What ‘The Lord of the Rings’ Taught Me about Diversity

What ‘The Lord of the Rings’ Taught Me about Diversity

The Lord of the Rings is a massive fantasy work of 481,000 words, with dozens of characters, themes, and messages intertwined. The novel is split into 3 volumes, each with 2 parts (6 total). I have always loved this book, and its multitude of themes and characters can be applied to the business world. I…

Greatness is Learned: Understanding How to Become the World’s #1

Greatness is Learned: Understanding How to Become the World’s #1

One of my favourite pastimes is playing golf. Every chance I get, I take the opportunity to get outside and play a round. Not only do I love playing it, I also enjoy watching and staying up to date with the PGA Tour players. Golf is a mentally and physically demanding game; to become a…

Train Your Sales Team to Understand and Communicate Value

Train Your Sales Team to Understand and Communicate Value

I often discuss growth strategies with some of the most brilliant business leaders in Canada. Their minds are full of innovative concepts and technologies that are set to transform the world we live and work in. I’m honoured to work alongside these talented professionals as they seek investment for strategic growth projects. But while these…

How to Make Crucial Conversations in Business a Cake Walk

How to Make Crucial Conversations in Business a Cake Walk

Picture this scenario: You’re a manufacturer who designs and sells customized products. A customer’s order was shipped last week and was supposed to arrive yesterday, however the shipment was not delivered. Your client calls you and starts panicking because the product they ordered was required to fulfill a promise for one of their clients. This…

Extroverts and Introverts at Work: Should You Just Stop Talking?

Extroverts and Introverts at Work: Should You Just Stop Talking?

Recently, my office took part in a training session that used theatrical improv to help develop business communication skills. Throughout the course of the day, as we performed various verbal exercises in groups, it became clear that some of us relished the chance to have all eyes upon us, while others found it unsettling. Either…

4 Ways Managers Can Make Workplace Training More Valuable

4 Ways Managers Can Make Workplace Training More Valuable

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in the following article are those of the guest author and do not represent or reflect Mentor Works Ltd. It’s official that proper business training and development pays off for everyone – employees, employers and companies. Not only does training develop employee skills, it also has been proven to…

Professional Development is Everybody’s Responsibility

Professional Development is Everybody’s Responsibility

Career development is a lifelong process of managing learning, work, leisure, and transitions in order to move toward a personally preferred future. Regardless of your current career level, there is always room for improvement. Traditionally, professional development was the responsibility of employers to ensure their workforce had the right skills. While this is still the…

What Can Business Leaders Learn from Competitive Athletes?

What Can Business Leaders Learn from Competitive Athletes?

Business professionals can learn a vast amount of leadership skills from competitive athletes. There are powerful similarities between elite athletes and business leaders; both are hard-working, dedicated, and persevere through challenges to become better than they were the previous day. Business leaders and athletes both strive for goals, work hard for marginal gains, and endure…

The 2 Best Ways to Advance your Career with Continuous Learning

The 2 Best Ways to Advance your Career with Continuous Learning

A key way to make yourself more employable, or to move up the corporate ladder, is to ensure that you’re always developing your skillsets through continuous learning. Regardless of the topic or your mastery of the subject, putting out the effort to learn new skills will help show your initiative and ultimately help you achieve…