Entrepreneurial Workshops – Acquiring Funding for Small Business

One of the major challenges faced by small businesses and start-ups is the inability to access investment capital. Many entrepreneurs will have to pitch their business concepts to several groups of angel investors and venture capitalists before they are able to aquire start-up funding. An exciting and engaging business presentation is one of the major…

Canadian Government Funding for Aerospace and Defence Research

The Canadian Government supports the aerospace, defense, space and security (A&D) industries by providing research and development funding through the Strategic Aerospace and Defense Initiative (SADI). The program offers repayable business funding grants towards the development of next generation products and services related to the A&D industries. Projects involving Collaborative Research and Development are encouraged;…


New Budget Increases Ontario Government Funding R&D

As of late, there has been a lot of discussion regarding the changes to the Ontario’s budget for research and development funding. The Honourable Gary Goodyear announced an increase to National Research Council Canada’s Industrial Research Assistance Program (NRC-IRAP) in his 2012 budget hearing last Friday. The new budget allocates approximately $110M for 2012/2013 of…

Applied Research and Commercialization (ARC) Funding Released

The Canadian Government sector, FedDev Ontario, has announced a top-up of funding to a pre-existing Ontario business grant called the Applied Research and Commercialization Initiative (ARC). The initiative is a Small Business Funding Program for Research and Development projects involving post-secondary collaboration. The program provides funding to accelerate research and development and enhance innovation and…

Proposed Changes to Research and Development Funding

A common barrier to innovation and productivity within Canada is the inability to access Government Funding for Research and Development. Recently an expert review panel has released a list of recommendations to simplify the research and development funding process for Canadian SMEs. These recommendations look to streamline the application process without significantly altering the actual…

Hamilton Innovation Celebration – The Big Diff

The Innovation Factory is holding their annual open house and innovation celebration for the Hamilton Business Community. Recognition will be given to some of the year’s most successful innovators along with their Research and Development Funding partners. Presentations may also include informational seminars on the new projects and organizations that will be receiving Ontario Government…

Business Development Seminar – Leveraging Your Research Dollars

Research and Development is a costly process for any business, especially for those who are unable to leverage their expenses with Ontario business grants. The Centre for Research Innovation Commercialization (RIC) will be holding a business development workshop focused on finding finance and funding for small business research and development projects. When: April 11, 2012…

Thinking of Expanding to China? Join CTT Business Mission to Hong Kong

Companies interested in international partnerships to carry out research and development or advanced manufacturing are invited to join Canada’s Technology Triangle (CTT) in their business mission to China from April 12-21, 2012. The trip will incorporate several business meetings and networking seminars with China’s leading businesses in the science and tech sectors. The mission intends…

Research Innovation Centres: Events for Small Businesses

The Research Innovation Centres (RIC) form a not-for-profit organization that is dedicated to supporting Canadian SMEs and innovative entrepreneurs. They organize various workshops and symposiums to provide small businesses with Canadian Government funding advice and business networking opportunities. They are holding several of these events in Southern Ontario within the upcoming months.   Small Business…