SOSCIP: Access Big Data Tools to Support Innovative Research Projects

SOSCIP: Access Big Data Tools to Support Innovative Research Projects

Since 2012, SOSCIP has supported innovative research projects by pairing academic and industry researchers with access to advanced computing technologies and resources to address common industry challenges. SOSCIP consortium members include 15 of Ontario’s most research-intensive academic institutions, Ontario Centre of Excellence (OCE), and IBM Canada Ltd. as SOSCIP’s lead industry partner. About SOSCIP SOSCIP supports…

How to Access the Southern Ontario Smart Computing Innovation Platform

How to Access the Southern Ontario Smart Computing Innovation Platform

The Southern Ontario Smart Computing Innovation Platform (SOSCIP) is a Canadian research and development consortium that enhances the capabilities of academic and industry researchers through big data and smart computing analytics. Led by a selection of Ontario’s top academic institutions, Ontario Centres of Excellence (OCE), and IBM Canada, SOSCIP provides businesses an unparalleled access to…

Investing In Commercialization Partnerships (ICP) $20 Million Ontario Government Grant Funding Success – SOSCIP

Investing In Commercialization Partnerships (ICP) $20 Million Ontario Government Grant Funding Success – SOSCIP

On April 28th, FedDev Ontario Minister Gary Goodyear announced that the Southern Ontario Smart Computing Innovation Platform (SOSCIP) Consortium would receive $20 million in Ontario government funding. On behalf of this consortium which is comprised of seven leading Ontario universities, the University of Toronto will receive funds which increases their access to advanced computing and…

Call for Proposals: SOSCIP Post-Secondary Research and Development Collaboration

Call for Proposals: SOSCIP Post-Secondary Research and Development Collaboration

The Southern Ontario Smart Computing Innovation Platform (SOSCIP) Program is a consortium of IBM, the Canadian and Ontario governments along with seven universities led by the University of Toronto and Western University.   The Ontario Centre of Excellence (OCE) will help facilitate SME participation with academia in this applied research consortium and help SME’s leverage the…