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Canadian Business Grants for Hiring “Canada Job Grant” Update

The Economic Action Plan 2013 announced in the spring that a new small business grants for hiring program called “The Canada Job Grant” would create jobs across the nation. As this grant program promises to provide funding for skills training, particularly for jobs considered high-demand and difficult to fill, many businesses and employees are have been patiently awaiting further details regarding its pending launch.

Canada Job Grant Canadian Small Business Grants Await Formal Approval

The new Canada Job Grant will not come into effect until 2014-15. It will become part of the Labour Market Agreements that are up for renewal in 2014-15 and the funding will not be available until this occurs.

Ontario Government Releases Additional Information on Canada Job Grant Program

Recently, the Ontario government issued more details regarding the Canada Job Grant that will likely be of interest to many of Mentor Works’ clients. Although the program might different across provinces, Ontario businesses will be exposed to equal contributions of $5000 from the federal government, provincial government and the employer, to a total of $15,000 per individual, or 66% funding coverage through  government funding. This funding will be used for skills training to obtain work or for an individual to improve their skills by training for a job that is considered high demand. The government expects that the proposed Canadian small business grants will provide funding to approximately 130,000 people per year.

Small Business Grants Now Available to SMEs in Canada

While Mentor Works is keen to learn more about the Canada Job Grant Program and how we can help leverage the program to fit into our clients’ strategic government funding plans, there is a plethora of excellent Canadian business grants for hiring that businesses can access now. Mentor Works recently published an update on its Top Small Business Grants for Hiring.  Please sign up for Mentor Works Canadian small business grants and loans weekly e-newsletter, and follow Mentor Works on your favorite social media channel: LinkedInYouTubePinterestFacebookGoogle+, Tumblr, and Twitter.