Government Funding News
» » » » Client Spotlight: Jervis B. Webb Company: Hamilton, Ontario

Client Spotlight: Jervis B. Webb Company: Hamilton, Ontario

Jervis B. Webb is a subsidiary of Daifuku Webb; a world leader in the development of innovative material handling systems. Mentor Works had the chance to speak to Andy McFarlane, the Plant Manager of Jervis B. Webb’s Hamilton location, about their experience working with Mentor Works.

Why Did You Decide to Use Mentor Works to Assist You in the Funding Procedure?

The Excellence in Manufacturing Consortium (EMC) provided Jervis B. Webb the contact information of firms that specialize in Funding. “Why Mentor Works?” We asked. Mr. McFarlane had this to say, “After Meeting Bernadeen it was obvious that Mentor Works understands the business and what we were looking for.”

How did working with Mentor Works change your beliefs about government funding?

“Mentor Works understands the audience we face when applying for small business grants,” said Mr. McFarlane, “they educated us.”

What obstacles were removed by working with Mentor Works?

Mr. McFarlane explained that his company didn’t have the time to drive the application process.  Working with Mentor works helped his company “worry about our core business and then bottom line.”

Would you recommend Mentor Works to your friends, family or colleagues?

“Yes, I would. In fact I have already recommended Mentor Works to other firms based on my experience.”

What was the most valuable aspect of working with Mentor Works?

“Mentor Works showed us how government funding can become part of the business plan and improve profitability.  It also showed us how much we didn’t know about funding opportunities available in Canada.”

How did the funding received affect your business objectives?

“It showed a reduction in indirect wages in the 2013 budget and profit in Research & Development, and more benefits to follow with our current project.”

Mentor Works Small Business Grants and Loans Experts

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