New Yearā€™s Hesitations: Going Back to Work After Vacation

New Yearā€™s Hesitations: Going Back to Work After Vacation

A friend of mine always developed a post-Christmas ā€œfluā€ in high school. The holidays would end and suddenly, that first day back to school, he would complain to his mother that he didnā€™t feel well, and he would end up staying home an extra day or two to recover. Those of us who struggle with…

How to Make Crucial Conversations in Business a Cake Walk

How to Make Crucial Conversations in Business a Cake Walk

Picture this scenario: Youā€™re a manufacturer who designs and sells customized products. A customerā€™s order was shipped last week and was supposed to arrive yesterday, however the shipment was not delivered. Your client calls you and starts panicking because the product they ordered was required to fulfill a promise for one of their clients. This…

Get Paid Now: 6 Tips for Better Accounts Receivable Management

Get Paid Now: 6 Tips for Better Accounts Receivable Management

In business, cash is king. Understanding how to manage your cash flow properly will save you from undue stress and ensure that youā€™re paid for your products or services. Meticulous cash flow management is one of the most important elements to running a strong, successful business. Cash is needed to complete new projects, pay employees,…

How to Make Your Next Business Trip Stress-Free

How to Make Your Next Business Trip Stress-Free

As a business owner, you likely travel quite a bit. Business trips, client visits, conferences, trade shows, and the occasional vacation getaway can make it difficult to stay connected with your team, partners, and clientele. However, stress does not have to be a bi-product of your mobility if you use the right tools and processes…