Contingent Business Interruption Insurance

Risk Management Strategy: Contingent Business Interruption Insurance

Just one brief business interruption can be incredibly costly for an organization, often leading to serious reputational damages or long-term closures. Standard business interruption policies are vital in these instances, providing protection against a variety of common interruptions, including natural disasters, equipment damage, and vandalism. But what happens when one of your suppliers or customers…

Make the Most Out of ERP Implementation Training

How to Leverage Training for a Successful ERP Implementation

The relationship between training and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) implementation is often understated. With implementations, the understanding usually lies with the consultant as they guide you through the process. There is an inherent learning experience that is happening. The question is, is that all you need to learn the platform? Canadian manufacturers know how critical…

10 Game-Changing Reasons to Adopt a CRM System

10 Game-Changing Reasons to Adopt a CRM System

In a time when connectedness is the new norm, more and more teams are opting in to collaborative tools. These systems offer a wide range of benefits, but they all have a common goal — to improve your organization’s effectiveness and productivity. Any business can use a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) solution to systemize, automate,…

Benefits of Humanities Degrees in Business

The Value of a Humanities Degree in the Workforce

As an undergraduate student studying history, I was frequently asked: “So, are you going to become a teacher?” Later, as I continued my study of history in graduate school, this question evolved slightly: “So, are you going to become a professor?” The terminus of both pointed but well-meaning questions was the same – the assumption…

Benefits of Training Sales Employees

Train Your Sales Team to Understand and Communicate Value

I often discuss growth strategies with some of the most brilliant business leaders in Canada. Their minds are full of innovative concepts and technologies that are set to transform the world we live and work in. I’m honoured to work alongside these talented professionals as they seek investment for strategic growth projects. But while these…

Professional Development Tips for Employers and Employees

Professional Development is Everybody’s Responsibility

Career development is a lifelong process of managing learning, work, leisure, and transitions in order to move toward a personally preferred future. Regardless of your current career level, there is always room for improvement. Traditionally, professional development was the responsibility of employers to ensure their workforce had the right skills. While this is still the…

business travel tips

How Travelling Helped to Grow my Career

Since graduating from university, I have had the opportunity to travel throughout several continents around the world including North America, Europe, and Australia. While I did not realize it at the time, travelling would ultimately help to build the skills that I use daily in my career. Travelling has enabled my personal growth and professional…

How to have a stress-free business trip

How to Make Your Next Business Trip Stress-Free

As a business owner, you likely travel quite a bit. Business trips, client visits, conferences, trade shows, and the occasional vacation getaway can make it difficult to stay connected with your team, partners, and clientele. However, stress does not have to be a bi-product of your mobility if you use the right tools and processes…

The Netflix Effect: Video Streaming’s Effect on Productivity

The Netflix Effect: Video Streaming’s Effect on Productivity

In an attempt to boost my own personal productivity, I have committed to do the unthinkable for (at least) 3 weeks: cut the cord on Netflix. The popular online television and movie streaming service is now a major player in the entertainment industry, with over $5 billion in annual revenues, and over 65 million subscribers…