Ross Video Receives Record $5M in NRC-IRAP Funding

Industrial Research Assistance Program (IRAP) Awards $5M to Ottawa Tech Company

The National Research Council (NRC) recently announced a $5M funding award to Ottawa-based Ross Video. The $5M in funding signifies the single largest funding award through the Industrial Research Assistance Program (IRAP) and will help the organization to compete with other tech firms on a global level. Funding from this federal program will be disbursed…

AgriInnovate: $2.5M for Ocean Crisp Apple Company Inc.

AgriInnovate: $2.5M for Ocean Crisp Apple Company Inc.

The Canadian Federal Government recently announced support for the agri-food industry in Nova Scotia that will allow Ocean Crisp Apple Company to invest $2.5M to advance apple processing techniques. The investment will increase facility capacity, improve processing efficiencies, and contribute overall to the apple industry in Nova Scotia – which produces approximately three million bushels…