Register for a Free Webinar to Learn About Funding for Agri-Businesses

Free Funding for Business WebinarThe Canadian agriculture and agri-food system (AAFS) plays a significant role in the Canadian economy. In 2012, the AAFS accounted for 6.7% of Canadaā€™ GDP with $103.5 billion in economic activity, according to Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. The Canadian government has played a role in the success of this industry through support networks, resources, and specialized Canadian government funding programs aimed at tackling industry challenges. Funding grants, loans, and tax incentives are available to agri-businesses and agricultural entities across Canada. Mentor Works is dedicated to improving the nationā€™s understanding of these government grants and loans, which will be the focus of our February 6, 2015 webinar.

Discover Government Grants & Loans for your Agri-Business

In this session, attendees will gain exposure to the breadth of business grants, loans, and subsidies for agriculture businesses, including Growing Forward 2 program and the Rural Economic Development (RED) Program. As part of this 45-minute webinar, participants will have the opportunity to submit questions to us, which will be answered by Bernadeen McLeod, President and Owner of Mentor Works. More in-depth funding strategy meetings will also be offered to suitable established businesses following the session.

Date/Time: Friday, February 6, 2015 from 9:00-9:45am (EST)
Location: Online Webinar via GoToWebinar
Register for the event here

Please keep in mind that this webinar is only applicable to established, financially stable Canadian agricultural and agri-food businesses that have been incorporated for at least 2 years. Businesses that are exclusively a retailer and/or distributor will not be applicable for the majority of funding programs profiled in this event.

Other Small Business Funding Events

Are you unable to attend the February 6th webinar? Perhaps you prefer a more specialized webinar on training or equipment grants. Mentor Works offers a wide variety of other events; please feel free to browse our Funding Workshops & Webinar Page to explore other funding event options.

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