Canada History Fund (CHF) 75%-100% of Costs for Learning Materials

Canada History Fund

It is often said that ā€œhistory repeats itself,ā€ but by studying our nationā€™s past failures and successes we can learn from our mistakes to avoid them in the future. The Canadian federal government recognizes the importance of studying our history to help us understand our present, which is what led to the creation of the Canada History Fund (CHF).

Covering up to 75% of costs for the design, development, delivery, promotion, and evaluation of projects and up to 100% of costs for large-scale works of reference in Canada.

The Canada History Fund (CHF) will support the production of new learning materials, the organization of learning activities, and the creation or maintenance of large-scale works of reference. Through studying a nationā€™s history, we can gain insights into other cultures we may be less familiar with, increasing cross-cultural understanding for Canadians as well as those researching Canada. Mentor Works has broken down what makes applicants eligible for the CHF and what project costs can be covered.

Applicants Eligible for the Canada History Fund

Eligible organizations must meet both of the following criteria:

  • An organization that has a mandate with a focus on Canadian history, civics, or public policy, and a demonstrated track record of successfully delivering programming nationally; or
  • a post-secondary educational institution.

Successful applicants are able to demonstrate their project will have an impact across Canada. Itā€™s important to note that individuals, governments, Indigenous authorities, and Canadian organizations that generally deliver regional programming are not eligible to receive funding through this program.

Eligible Projects and Expenses

The following expenses may be submitted in applications, with the amount of funding ranging from up to 75-100% of costs, depending on the nature of the project:

  • Learning materials;
  • Websites, mobile applications, or other new media tools;
  • Group activities such as conferencesĀ and workshops;
  • Establishment of networks and partnerships;
  • Large-scale works of reference; and
  • Research and publication on current trends and public policy issues about Canada.

It is important to note that conservation and archive-building projects, as well as projects designed to fill the curriculum needs of one specific province or one particular course/institution, are not eligible expenses.

Deadline to Apply

The deadline to submit applications for funding is September 30, 2020. If you are interested in submitting an application to this program, please donā€™t hesitate to reach out to a member of the Mentor Works team to find out if your business is eligible and to get the application process started.

Find out if your business is eligible for grant and loan programs from the Canadian federal and provincial governments by speaking to a Canadian government funding planner.

Ā Funding Funding Now, Contact Mentor Works

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