The Canadian Business Guide to Export Expansion: Grow your International Markets

Export Expansion for Canadian Small business

Whether your business currently exports or has identified that you would like to expand into foreign markets, you know that there is exceptional potential for Canadian businesses to grow all over the world. The Canadian economy is heavily affected by international trade ā€“ with 1 in 5 Canadian jobs directly tied to exporting, the ability for businesses (big and small) to thrive in local and international markets is a key indicator of economic success. Canada exported nearly $530 billion worth of goods in 2014 alone and is poised to see continuous growth into the future.

How do small businesses capitalize on this trend? Many entrepreneurs and their businesses do not have the time or resources to develop a comprehensive export expansion plan. The Mentor Works team has recognized this problem and has recently created the Canadian Business Guide to Export Expansion, a white paper on relevant and up-to-date information about growing your business internationally.

Export Expansion White Paper for Canadian Small Business

In this informative white paper, Mentor Works will help you discover the most important materials that your business will need to conceptualize and implement an export expansion strategy. Included in the download, you will receive:

  • Socio-economic & trade statistics;
  • Tips on analyzing export data;
  • International trade show resources;
  • Export tools & resources;
  • Exporting news & publications; and
  • Financing for export expansion activities.

Download The Canadian Business Guide to Export Expansion

Take the first step in creating, formalizing, or revising your export expansion plans by downloading The Canadian Business Guide to Export Expansion. With a wealth of resources, data sources, and strategic planning tools, youā€™ll be able to spend more time building your business and positioning it for continued success. Click the download button below for immediate access to our ultimate guide for export expansion.

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