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R&D Conference – EDCO Interactive Symposium

The Economic Developers Council of Ontario (EDCO) will be holding a conference at the Marriott Downtown Eaton Centre in Toronto on January 31st, 2012. This year’s conference will be an interactive symposium that is meant to prepare entrepreneurs and their employees to research, innovate, and develop solutions that will have positive impacts on their businesses and surrounding communities. The conference will host a variety of highly experienced and inspirational speakers who will share their extensive knowledge and experiences with the audience. The keynote speaker will be Tim Hurson; an expert on productive and innovative thinking as well as the author of the critically acclaimed book, Think Better. This symposium will allow participants to learn how to think creatively and develop proactive solutions to problems that are in some way affecting their company’s social, economic, or environmental performance.

When: January 31, 2012 / 8:30am – 4:30pm

Where: Toronto Marriott Downtown Eaton Centre Hotel

Applicable Business Funding Grants

This conference would be useful for businesses that have identified an issue and require an innovative solution. The symposium would assist with the process of planning and developing the solutions while the Canadian Government can provide Research and Development Funding to assist with some of the expenditures. Some of the applicable business funding grants would include:

Registration Information

Businesses and individuals who would like to improve their ability to find and develop innovative solutions should contact an EDCO Representative to register for this event. The registration deadline for this event will be this Friday, January 27, 2012 and interested parties are recommended to contact EDCO directly for more details.

For those who would like to learn more or keep up-to-date with the Research and Development Funding Programs mentioned in today’s post, please subscribe to our blog or contact one of our Government Funding Experts.