Canadian Government Funding Workshop April 16th in Trenton, Ontario

Business conferenceMentor Works invites small to mid-sized businesses owners to a complimentary informational sessions to learn more about Canadian government grants and loans available to support the strategic growth of your firm. In her presentation, Alexandra (Alex) Barlow, Business Development Executive at Mentor Works Ltd., will cover financing trends, the different types of government funding resources, how to find them, and how to harness these opportunities to fund your business.

Ontario Government Grants and Loans Informational Session ā€“Event Details

Venue: Quinte West Public Library (7 Creswell Drive, Trenton, ON K8V 5R6 Canada)

Date/ Time: April 16th, from 9:30am ā€“ 11:30am

Admission: Complimentary for established small to mid-sized businesses.Ā  (See qualifications on event registration page)

Business Grants and Loans Expert Alexandra (ā€œAlexā€) Barlow, Business Development Executive ā€“Speaker Profile


Alexā€™s interest in helping people made her a great addition to the Mentor Works team when she joined us in 2012.Ā  Alex brings her experience working for the Ontario provincial government where she managed a $40 million portfolio of infrastructure funding as well as a tenure at a consulting agency where her work focused on helping municipalities with their strategic development.Ā  Alex is a graduate of the University of Guelph where she receive a Master of Art degree in Political Science.

Join Mentor Works for this Exclusive Event in Trenton, ON

Join Alex Barlow at our April 16th event in Trenton, Ontario and learn how to put Canadian government funding to work for your business.Ā  Whether you are looking to expand your business, purchase capital equipment, hire and/or train employees, or invest in research and development Alex can help direct you toward the government grants and loans programs that will help your business overcome financial obstacles to growth.



  1. Good day,
    Concerning the Canadian Government Funding Workshop in Trenton on April 16th, could you please advise if the informational session would include grants covering the tourism industry?


    1. Greetings D,
      I did respond to you via email, but will repeat the message here. Although the majority of the workshop’s focus will be on helping incorporated small to mid-sized businesses that have 10 or more employees and manufacture or perform R&D in Canada, there will be some information and programs that will be beneficial to someone in your industry.

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