Building Communities Through Arts and Heritage – Local Festivals Program
Receive up to $200,000 in Grant Funding for Festivals.
The Building Communities Through Arts and Heritage – Local Festivals Program provides financial support to local groups for recurring festivals that present the work of local artists, artisans, or heritage performers. This includes the celebration of LGBTQ2+ communities and Indigenous cultural celebrations.
Building Communities Through Arts and Heritage – Local Festivals Program
Amount of Funding
Access up to 100% of eligible expenses to a maximum of $200,000.
Building Communities Through Arts and Heritage – Local Festivals Program
Eligible Applicants
Applicants may be eligible for funding if they meet these criteria:
- Must represent one of the following community groups:
- A non-profit organization or group (incorporated or unincorporated); or
- A local band council, a local tribal council or other local Indigenous government (First Nations, Inuit or Metis)
- Must encourage local community engagement through activities that promote, celebrate and preserve local performing and visual arts or heritage
Have successfully organized a prior edition of the festival, within the past two years
Building Communities Through Arts and Heritage – Local Festivals Program
Eligible Activities
A program may be eligible for funding if they meet the following project activities:
- Offer arts and heritage programming;
- Present local performing artists, cultural carriers, the work of local creators, or aspects of local heritage as a primary component;
- Encourage community involvement by integrating volunteers into the project planning or delivery and give local artists, artisans and cultural carriers the opportunity to interact with the community;
- Be designed for the general public, easily accessed and appropriately promoted;
- Benefit from support in cash and in-kind from local community partners;
- Benefit from tangible support from your city administration or equivalent authority (you must provide written confirmation of this support); and
- Present eligible activities for more than 24 hours and less than 29 consecutive days.
Building Communities Through Arts and Heritage – Local Festivals Program
Program Deadline
This program operates on rolling application deadlines throughout the year:
- January 31 – for festivals starting between September 1 and December 31
- April 30 – for festivals starting between January 1 and June 30
- October 15 – for festivals starting between July 1 and August 31