NOHFC Opportunity Assessment Projects FAQs: Northern Ontario Business Grants

NOHFC Opportunity Assessment Projects FAQs: Northern Ontario Business Grants

For companies that are looking to undertake the investigation of a new technology,Ā The Northern Ontario Heritage Fund Corporation (NOHFC) has announced a new government funding program that supports companies when they investigate and evaluate new technology. This Northern Ontario government funding program is called Opportunity Assessment Projects. Is my company eligible for Opportunity Assessment Projects…

Business Grants in Northern Ontario: NOHFC Opportunity Assessment Projects

Business Grants in Northern Ontario: NOHFC Opportunity Assessment Projects

The Northern Ontario Heritage Fund Corporation (NOHFC) recognizes that for many small businesses, determining whether or not to investigate new technology can be a challenge. In response, the NOHFC has developed the Opportunity Assessment Projects funding program to help companies through this stage. What is the NOHFC Opportunity Assessment Projects? Ontario business grants offered through…

Northern Ontario Business Grants: NOHFC Opportunity Assessment Projects

Northern Ontario Business Grants: NOHFC Opportunity Assessment Projects

Is your company trying to determine whether there is a market for your new technology? The Northern Ontario Heritage Fund Corporation (NOHFC) has developed an Ontario business grants program called NOHFC Opportunity Assessment Projects in order to offer support to northern Ontario businesses tackling this challenge. What do NOHFC Business Grants in Ontario Offer? This…