Project Failure Risk: Mitigation and Control Strategies

Project Failure Risk: Mitigation and Control Strategies

Projects fail. They fail all the time. We accept their failures and we accept the failure rate as part of business. In 2021, it was noted that 70 per cent of businesses have had a project fail in the past year. What does this mean? It means that an overwhelming majority of projects do not…

FAQs for Canadian Government Grants & Loans

Canadian Government Funding: Frequently Asked Questions

There are over 200 unique funding programs available to Canadian businesses. Mentor Works has been supporting Canadian businesses in accessing and securing funding for growth for over 10 years and has, to-date, secured more than $1B in total funding for our clients. Our experience and expertise has helped our clients grow, create new jobs, and…

Project Management Strategies for Canadian Businesses

Project Management Strategies for Non-Project Managers

Project Management is a critical function in many businesses. Even in companies that aren’t projectized, it’s probable that you’ll deal with many projects throughout the year. In an ideal situation, you’ll have access to a full Project Management Office (PMO), dedicated resources, and all the tools needed to successfully deliver on a project. Realistically, it’s…

Canadian Business Merger and Acquisition Strategies

Canadian Business Merger and Acquisition (M&A) Strategies

Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) are increasingly common in today’s business landscape. According to the Institute for Mergers, Acquisitions, and Alliances (IMAA), M&A activity continues to rise, with over $3.8 trillion USD in deals completed in 2018 – and with nearly $1.8 trillion USD completed in 2019 so far, it doesn’t look like it’s going to…

Trade Credit Insurance FAQs

Develop Your Risk Management Strategy: Trade Credit Insurance FAQs

In today’s business climate, organizations are expected to extend credit to their customers, as it enhances purchasing power and creates opportunities that may not have been available otherwise. However, offering credit is a balancing act for most businesses, as just one late payment or customer insolvency can put stress on an organization’s cash flow and…

Update a Strategic Plan for Business Growth

How to Update a Strategic Plan and Perform Course Correction

How do you implement your company’s strategic plan? When was the last time you did a pulse check to see where strategic deliverables stand? How closely aligned are employees with the broader mandate of your company? Business leaders should ask themselves these questions regularly, but many are so caught up in the ongoing demands of…