Export Expansion Strategies: Funding and Market Development Services

Export Expansion Strategies Event for Canadian Small Business

Canadian businesses should evaluate the benefit of entering international markets to grow, as export expansion has been a key pillar to many businesses growth. Beginning to export, however, poses a number of challenges for small businesses within Canada. Often times, business leaders are successful within their industry however lack the expertise or connections needed to grow their business in other countries.

Some of the most common problems for businesses expanding internationally include:

  • Capacity limitations that restrict the amount of ā€˜new businessā€™ that a company may commit to;
  • Lack of knowledge surrounding the process of exporting products or services;
  • Lack of financing needed to launch the company in foreign markets; and
  • Lack of market research to determine competition, culture, and market viability.

Small businesses can overcome these hurdles and become successful exporters by developing an export strategy that addresses all of these considerations. Business owners and executives can take the first step in creating a dynamic export market plan by discovering opportunities for export funding and support services.

Export Expansion Strategies Workshop: Government Grants, Support Services, and Web Presence Optimization

Event Takeaways

  • Government Grants: Expansion costs may be subsidized through an array of government funding initiatives for export marketing, equipment purchase, employee training, and more.
  • Export Support Services: Learn how Export Development Canada (EDC) can help your business enter and expand in international markets through a variety of support services.
  • Web Presence Research and Analytics: Discover strategies to leverage your website and social profiles for lead generation. Walk through the world of content marketing, social media, and search strategies designed to build brand awareness, reputation, and drive sales. Youā€™ll also receive insight to the differences of search marketing in Canada, the United States, and worldwide.

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Featured Speakers

Alexandra (Alex) Barlow ā€“ Business Development Executive (Mentor Works)

Alex combines desire to strengthen Canadian businesses with experience in grants administration & economic development to provide strategic advice to growing companies.. Alex graduated in 2010 with a Master’s of Arts, Political Science, from the University of Guelph. Her interests were always in economic development and business development, which led her to work for a Regional Innovation Centre (RIC) and FedDev Ontario.

As an expert in Canadian government funding programs, Alex routinely helps businesses identify and secure the funding needed to become export-ready.

Chris Adams – Cofounder & Strategic Business Development (gShift)

Chris is gShiftā€™s cofounder and is currently undertaking strategic business development. He is fully committed to building a world-class content marketing software platform. Chris loves when all aspects of great software design converge to produce an unparalleled user experience.

In the role of strategic business development, Chris identifies new business opportunities with digital agencies and brands around the world, new partnerships within content marketing stacks, evangelizes gShift’s Content Cloud Platform, and promotes new product features and service offerings to better meet the needs of existing brands and digital partners.

Chris Despond – Senior Account Manager (Export Development Canada)

Chris graduated from McMaster University in 1984 with a Bachelor of Commerce. Upon graduation, Chris worked at Siemens Electric Limited in Mississauga in an Administrative Capacity. Since 1992, he has held various sales and marketing positions in the leasing industry with numerous leasing companies.

Chris joined Export Development Canada (EDC) in 2001 as a Business Development Manager. EDC helps Canadian exporters compete in the world markets by providing a wide range of financial and risk management services.

Small Business Funding Event Agenda

  • 7:15-7:30am: Breakfast & Registration
  • 7:30-8:00am: Online Web Presence w/ Chris Adams (gShift)
  • 8:00-8:30am: Export Support Services w/ Chris Despond (Export Development Canada)
  • 8:30-9:00am: Government Grants w/ Alex Barlow (Mentor Works)

Register for this Business Strategy and Export Expansion Event

To access more information on this event, and to register, please see the Export Expansion Strategies event page.

When: Wednesday June 8, 2016 @ 7:30 ā€“ 9:00am
Where: Liberty North (Java Room): 100 Caplan Avenue, Barrie, ON
Cost: Free

Register Now

Interested, But Not Able to Attend? Register for an Export Funding Webinar

Although business owners and executives would benefit most by attending this exporting workshop, those who are not able to attend can still learn about Canadian government funding options by participating in a small business grants and loans webinar.

Businesses may choose between industry-specific or export expansion-specific webinars to better understand a range of funding opportunities. You can browse our current small business events and government funding webinars by accessing Mentor Worksā€™ events page.

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