Chatham-Kent Region & Tilbury March 11th on Ontario Business Grants

Chatham-KentBusinesses located in southwestern Ontario have a wide array of government grants and incentives available to them, however many of these funding opportunities have strict eligibility requirements that must be met. On March 11, 2015, Mentor Works and the Municipality of Chatham-Kentā€™s Economic Development department are co-hosting a complimentary workshop in Tilbury for local manufacturers and agri-businesses interested in Ontario business grants and loans.

Southwestern Ontario Government Funding for Manufacturers and Agri-Businesses

This session is intended for established manufacturers or agri-businesses incorporated in Canada for at least 2 years, have at least 5 full-time payroll employees, and over $500K in annual revenue, as these factors affect eligibility for the majority of the Ontario business grants and loans available.

Whether your business is adopting new advanced technologies, expanding into new markets, hiring and training employees, or conducting research and development activities, both Canadian and Ontario government funding exists to help support your strategic initiatives and improve cash flow planning activities. This event is best suited to Operations Managers, Human Resource Managers, CEO /Owners, and Chief Financial Officers.

March 11, 2015 Ontario Business Grants & Loans Workshop Details

This session will consist of a keynote presentation from Mentor Works and a brief question and answer period. Mentor Works is dedicated to accelerating small businessesā€™ growth through Canadian government grant and loan support. In this session, attendees will discover the details, timelines, and objectives of the top Ontario government grants for business, including how your business can obtain funding for upcoming activities.

Following the workshop, Mentor Works representatives are available for direct funding strategy sessions in established businessesā€™ facilities following the meeting at either 2:30pm or 4:00pm based on availability. Please ensure you state that you are interested in a one-on-one session as part of your registration email.

Date/Time: Wednesday, March 11, 2015
Location: Tilbury Municipal Office, 17 Superior Street, Tilbury, Ontario
Register: Please RSVP by emailing Geoff Wright, Economic Development Officer for Chatham-Kent Municipality at

Get Started with Ontario Government Grants and Incentives

We hope to see you at the March 11th session, however if you are unable to make it, please feel free to register for a future complimentary funding workshop/webinar or contact a Mentor Works Canadian government funding expert if you have any questions about a specific program.

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