Ontario Government Funding and Grants for Manufacturing and Agricultural Growth

Businesses in Leamington, Ontario have access to a complimentary information session on Ontario being held on Thursday, February 19, 2015 from 9:00am to 12:00pm at the Municipality of Leamington Economomic Development Office.

The session will be led by Bernadeen McLeod, the Founder and President of Ltd. Bernadeen and Mentor Works are committed to researching and presenting information on the top Canadian government funding programs to educate businesses on accessible government resources.

In an effort to inform small businesses about available Canadian government funding relevant to their sector of employment, Bernadeen will explain how to adequately research and access Canadian government funding.Ā  The free information session will also touch on financing trends, factors contributing to eligibility, the funding cycle as it applies to Ontario Ā government grants, and the stages of the applications process.

Following Bernadeenā€™s presentation, she will provide a question and answer session with the event attendees to relay further information and help start the process of obtaining Canadian government funding.

Details: Ontario Government Grant Information Session

The complimentary information is taking place at Municipality of Leamington Economic Development Office.

Date/Time: Thursday, February 19, 2015 from 9:00am-12:00pm
Location: Municipality of Leamington, 111 Erie Street North. Leamington, ON

Register for the event here

Ontario Government Funding Event Prerequisities:

In order to ensure valuable and relevant content, attendees should be aware of the following prerequisites that are applicable to most forms of Canadian government funding:

  • At least 2 years of incorporation in Canada;
  • An established business; not a start-up;
  • Documented financial stability;
  • Cater to the Research and Development (R&D) sector, or manufacturing; and
  • Not be a distributor or retailer.

Mentor Works Leamington, Ontario Small Business Funding Event Agenda:

  • 9:00-9:15: Attendee Registration
  • 9:15-9:30: Welcoming
  • 9:30-11:15: Review funding programs available to Agricultural businesses with Bernadeen McLeod
  • 11:15-1130: Questions and Answers session with Bernadeen
  • 11:30-12:00: Networking Session and Wrapping-Up

Other Complimentary Canadian Government Funding Events

If you are unable to attend this event, a complete listing of all Mentor Works information sessions and webinars can be found via our Small Business Funding Workshops/Webinars Page. To receive updates on Canadian government funding, subscribe to our government funding E-Newsletter to learn about new events, government grants, and more funding opportunities.

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