Intersolar 2011 Germany Showcases Leading Ontario Companies

If you are an Ontario company in the photovoltaic sector, look forward to next monthā€™s Intersolar 2011. The annual solar event in Munich, Germany plays host to the smartest minds in the global solar technology and photovoltaic sector. The event is currently accepting Ontario companies in these sectors to showcase their product offerings and innovations.

Participating companies will have the opportunity to learn about upcoming solar technologies from pioneering and leading businesses around the world. Ontario businesses can assess their competition and gauge their progress against related companies around the world. There is also opportunity to tap into new markets and network with potential business partners.

When: June 8-10, 2011

Where: Munich, Germany

Gain Governmental Support to Subsidize Traveling Expense

Government funding mechanisms are available to help finance the businesses expenses involved with attending an international event. The Export Market Access program covers up to 50% of related expenses for a maximum of $30,000. These expenses include marketing material, registration costs, transportation, and lodging. To learn more about how to benefit from the Export Market Access, fill out the Get Started form.

Register Now

To gain exposure in the global solar industry, become oriented with new trends and technologies, and create new partnerships, please contact Gilles Chatelain by email ( or phone at 1 (416) 326-1075.

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