Learn About Key Tax and Business Programs in Ontario

If you are a small business in Ontario, there are several opportunities to attend a free one-day Tax Information Forum (TIF) event, focused on educating companies about key tax and business programs administered in Ontario. The TIF will host several seminars, informational booths, and opportunities to speak directly with Ontario Governmental specialists.

Dates and Locations

Tax Information Forums are held all over Ontario. Upcoming events are as follows:

  • Sault Ste. Marie, ON:
    • Delta Sault Ste. Marie Waterfront Hotel & Conference Centre, 208 St. Maryā€™s River Dr.
    • May 10, 2011 ā€“ 7:30am ā€“ 4:00pm
  • Ottawa, ON:
    • Centurion Conference Centre, 170 Colonnade Road
    • May 19, 2011 ā€“ 7:30am ā€“ 4:00pm

How to Register

If you are interested in attending one of these events, please register online. And be sure to keep up-to-date on all related news and events by following us onĀ Twitter,Ā Facebook, andĀ LinkedIn.



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    1. I appreciate that, cybermagnetik! We will continue to provide you with the most relevant and up-to-date information, so be sure to subscribe to our blog if you have not already. Cheers!

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