Learn How to Export from Ontario to Global Markets

Educational Seminars for Ontario Exporters

Developing new international markets is one of the most challenging, yet rewarding strategies early-stage businesses use to scale up. Fortunately for Ontario-based businesses, there are multiple support services available to learn more about whatā€™s required to export, and how to build successful exporting relationships.

The Government of Ontario provides frequent export training sessions across Ontario which business leaders may attend to enhance their understanding of exporting and the related legal and economic processes.

These sessions provide hands-on, intensive approach to developing and implementing an export plan. They aim to make businesses more knowledgeable about exporting and are a great first step for companies starting to export or expanding exports to new markets.

Export Education Seminars: Learn How to Become an Exporter

The Government of Ontario is proactive in helping businesses across the province become more knowledgeable about the exporting process. Some regularly-occurring training sessions provided by the province include:

  • Developing a Global Mindset
  • Accelerate to International Markets (AIM) Program
  • New Exporters to Border States (NEBS) Program

Developing a Global Mindset

During this half-day seminar, business leaders will learn what it takes to become a successful exporter. This session also provides an overview of the key export support resources and partners that can help you get ready to go global.

Cost: Free.
Location: Travels to various municipalities across Ontario.

Accelerate to International Markets (AIM) Program

This one or two-day interactive workshop guides business leaders through the complete export process. Sessions are delivered by Ontario export advisors who give new exporters practical one-on-one exporting advice. The AIM program can help you get your business started on the path to successfully exporting internationally.

Cost: Free.
Location: Travels to various municipalities across Ontario.

New Exporters to Border States (NEBS) Program

The New Exporters to Border States program is a practical, hands-on introduction to United States exporting basics. Sessions include presentations from industry experts providing information on topics such asĀ U.S.Ā immigration and business visa requirements, federal and state tax liability issues, currency exchange strategies, corporate and legal considerations, andĀ U.S.Ā customs clearance documentation requirements.

Cost: $100 CAD.
Location: Bi-annual sessions held in Buffalo, New York.

Government Grants for Export Expansion Projects

Once companies have developed a strategy for export expansion, a logical next step is to look for export grants which reduce the cost and risk of market development projects. Both the federal and provincial governments offer funding programs to support the development of international markets; this is a valuable opportunity to leverage government grants.

Discover more exporting resources and learn about government funding programs to reduce the costs of export expansion by checking out thisĀ Canadian Business Guide to Exporting.

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