Apply for the Alberta Jobs Now Program

Alberta Jobs Now Program Supports $25,000 to $37,500 Per New Hire

The Alberta provincial government offers a new wage subsidy program to address the ongoing labour shortages within the province and nationwide. This new subsidy will help fill more positions and decrease the provincial unemployment rate. This program was launched as provinces continue to balance the re-opening of their economy and lighten pandemic precautions to create and maintain jobs for Albertans.

The Alberta Jobs Now program will provide up to $370 million towards getting thousands of Albertans back to work.

The Business Development Bank of Canada (BDC) says that 55% of Canadian entrepreneurs are struggling to hire the workers they need, which leaves them with no choice but to work more hours, as well as delay or refuse orders. The need for Canadian government wage subsidies and other hiring and training programs is significant.

Program Snapshot: Alberta Jobs Now Program

Amount of Funding:

Eligible employers can hire up to ten employees through this program. Some employers may be eligible for a maximum of up to 20 employees, but this will be determined on a case-by-case basis. Eligible applicants will receive a different amount of costs being covered depending on the applicant being hired.

This program will help offset salary or training costs, or both, equal to:

  • 25% of a new hireā€™s salary up to $25,000 per employee.
  • 37.5% of the new hire’s salary up to $37,500 per employee with a disability.

Businesses that are eligible for funding through the Alberta Jobs Now Program can choose to receive their payments issued in one or two payments:

  • One payment: Up to 100% of the grant after new hires have been employed for 52 weeks.
  • Two payments:
    • Half of the eligible grant paid when the new hires have been employed for 3 months,
    • The other half paid when the new hires have been employed for 52 weeks
    • New businesses and organizations established within 6 months prior to application will receive 25% of funding at 3 months and 75% at 52 weeks.

Eligible Applicants:

The eligibility criteria for the Alberta Jobs Now Program has been expanded during the second intake period to include businesses that have been established within the past year. All employers eligible for funding through this program must meet the following criteria:

  • Be located and operating in Alberta;
  • Be incorporated and have a registered Trade Name (for sole proprietors) or be registered under an act of the legislature of a province or the Parliament of Canada;
  • Provide safe working conditions, be in good standing and comply with the Employment Standards Code, Occupational Health and Safety Act, Workersā€™ Compensation Act and all other applicable legislation and regulations;
  • Have met or currently meet all obligations to the province under previous grant agreements; and
  • For sole proprietors, the following documentation must be provided:
    • Sole proprietors with coverage under the Workersā€™ Compensation Act must submit a Workersā€™ Compensation Board (WCB-Alberta) clearance letter;
    • Sole proprietors in a WCB-Alberta exempt industry under the Workersā€™ Compensation Act must submit the following:
      • A WCB-Alberta exempt industry letter; and
      • A copy of their federal payroll deductions or GST Registration.

Ineligible Applicants:

The following businesses and organizations will not be eligible for funding through the Alberta Jobs Now Program:

  • Federal, provincial or municipal governments;
  • Political parties;
  • Provincial or federal Crown agencies, boards and commissions or corporations;
  • Businesses and organizations that are not in operation for the 52-week duration of the grant; and
  • Public sector organization including schools, hospitals, health authorities, etc.

Eligible New Hires:

Employers can apply for up to 10 new hires to help more businesses access funding through the program. On a case-by-case basis, employers may receive an exemption for up to 20 new hires if they can demonstrate substantial need.

Just like the eligible employerā€™s section, the eligible hires through this program have been expanded during the second intake period. Employers now have up to 90 days to recruit for approved positions under the program. Minimum hours for eligible employees have been reduced to 15 hours per week to include part-time positions.

  • New hires are eligible if they were hired on or after May 19, 2021, and meet all other eligibility criteria;
    • A previous employee of the employer can be considered a new hire, provided they have not been working for the employer applicant, part or full-time for the past 90 days;
  • Resident of and will be working in Alberta during the grant period; and
  • A Canadian citizen, a permanent resident or protected persons under the Canadian Immigration and Refugee Protection Act, who is legally entitled to work in Canada.

Under this program, an eligible person with a disability is defined as: persons who have a physical, mental, sensory, intellectual, or learning impairment, which, in interaction with various barriers, may hinder their labour market participation. You can visit the Alberta Careers pagefor hiring a person with disabilities.

Deadline to Apply and Submit New Hires:

The Alberta Jobs Now Program is currently on its second intake period, which opened on November 10, 2021, and will remain open until funding has been allocated. The third intake period for this program will be announced later.

The start date for new hires can be no longer than 90 calendar days after the application approval and new hire information should be submitted within 30 calendar days after the new hireā€™s start date.

Apply for the Alberta Jobs Now Program

Funding for this program is in high demand and if your eligible business has a position in mind, we strongly encourage you to apply sooner than later. For assistance with the application writing and submission, Mentor Works team of Canadian government funding specialists can take care of the grant writing process. We provide our clients with an estimated 95%-time savings compared to businesses that apply for funding in-house. Find out if your business is eligible for funding by booking a meeting with us or giving us a call at 1-888-599-3111.

If your business is eligible for funding through the Alberta Jobs Now program, youā€™ll now need to find an eligible applicant for your approved position. You can gain access to the Mentor Works Recruiting Top Talent slide deck by downloading it for free. This document covers how to begin planning your recruitment process, additional wage subsidies available for hiring recent graduates, which job board is most effective for a position or business, and online recruitment resources to amplify results.

Where to Recruit Recent University Graduates


  1. I have a retail store which has been in business for over 40 years over covid times I was running the store my self I hired 2 part time people to help give me some time to work on the business and get more customers through the doors I understood they needed to work minimum 15 hours per week which is what I have been having them work Do I qualify for subsidy through this program if so how do I apply to be able to continue to employ these people.

    1. Hi Lila – As of the time of this comment, the second intake of the Alberta Jobs Now Program is closed and a third intake is confirmed, but no timelines have been announced yet. We would recommend referring to the Application Guidelines included on the Alberta Jobs Now Program website to review the eligibility factors and confirm your eligibility.

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