CMHC Platinum Program – Grant for Exporting Deadline Friday

Established in 2006, CMHC’s Platinum Program helps small businesses in Canada’s housing industry increase their export opportunities and market diversification through a Canadian government grant. The deadline for this application is Friday, November 25th at 5:00pm EST, so interested parties should submit their application before the end of the week.

Eligible Export Regions

The Platinum Program offers funding for export activities in a number of different countries, including:

  • United States
  • France
  • United Kingdom
  • China
  • Japan
  • Mexico
  • The Caribbean
  • Costa Rica
  • Panama

Eligible Activities & Contribution Amount

CMHC covers a wide variety of export expansion related activities under the Platinum Program’s eligible expenses. Applicants can include:

  • Market research
  • Production of publications
  • Content for websites
  • Seminars and workshops with clients or prospective contacts
  • Trade show events
  • Marketing and communications
  • Direct mailing campaigns
  • Promotional activities
  • Consultants

The grant amount covers 50% of eligible expenses. Maximum contribution varies from $10,000 per year to $20,000 per year depending on your export sales and export market. You can apply for contributions for more than one market at a time with up to a maximum $30,000 in grant funding.

Please refer to the CMHC Eligible Energy-Efficient Buildings Programs PageĀ for full details on contributions per region and sales level, as well as submission details. Feel free to contact Mentor Works for assistance in completing the application before the deadline.

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