Mentor Works: Discover & Leverage Funding Opportunities for your Canadian Business

One of the most common questions we hear from business owners is, ā€œHow can I work with you?ā€ Ā In case you have yet to join us for a free government funding workshop or webinar, this article will aim to answer that question. Ā Mentor Works helps you to realize the potential of government incentives, select the appropriate grant and loan programs to include within your funding plan, and streamlines the application process(es) while greatly improving your firmā€™s chances of successfully accessing government funding. In fact, for many funding programs our success rate is 100%. Thatā€™s why, at Mentor Works, our team of Canadian government funding experts are dedicated to knowing the intricacies of each government grant and loan program that we support ā€“and we leverage some of the same programs that our clients access in order to build and develop our own business.

Why do Canadian Small Businesses Partner with Mentor Works?

If you are the owner or leader of an established small to medium-sized business that has been incorporated for at least 3 years, manufactures or performs R&DĀ in Canada, and has at least 15 employees on payroll, then you are probably aware of some of the government funding programs. But for many, the process mayĀ seem intimidating; you may be unsure of which programs are best-suited for your needs, or perhaps you have already accessed some funding and want to know whetherĀ there are other opportunities you are missing out on. We also hear of those who struggle with bringing the process in-house and have either failed to satisfy qualifications,Ā or have lacked the internal resources and time required to accurately prepare their applications. Selecting and accessing government funding programs does not needĀ to be so complicated. Learn more about how Mentor Works can simplify the government funding process and join the hundreds of business owners across Canada thatĀ have utilized the knowledge and support of Mentor Works.

How do I Take the First Step toward Accessing Government Funding with Mentor Works?

You have already taken your first step toward accessing government grants and loans ā€“by visiting us today. Moving forward, you have a few options:

  1. Attend a Free Funding Event: If you have yet to access government funding for your business, we strongly suggest that you join us for a Free Canadian governmentĀ funding workshop or webinar. Within a one hour presentation you will learn about funding cycles, the application process, and how to leverage various programs to receiveĀ up to 75% funding of projects aimed at helping to improve and grow your business.
  2. Determine your Funding Potential: If you have already had some exposure to government funding and have an interest in a specific program or need please contact aĀ Canadian government funding expert to learn more about particular program details and how we can help you get started today.
  3. Learn More about Mentor Works:Ā Find out what successful SMEs across Canada are saying about their experience working with Mentor Works.

Start Accessing Government Funding to Grow Your Business

Thank you for learning about Mentor Works and the type of funding available to Canadian businesses! To streamline the funding discovery process, please let us know a bit about yourself via the most suitable form below and we will be in touch shortly with next steps.

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