SME in Action Program

Up to 40% or $50K-250k Non-Refundable Funding.

The SME in Action program is a federal government funding program that helps SMEs carry out feasibility studies prior to the realization of investment projects in QuĂ©bec. The program, administered by Investissement Quebec, has two streams; the Feasibility Studies stream and the Productivity Support stream. SME in Action will increase competitiveness and productivity, create new businesses, and stimulate more jobs and sustainable development.

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SME in Action

Amount of Funding

Funding for the Feasibility Stream:

  • Eligible businesses could receive up to 40% of eligible costs to a maximum of $100,000 per project, non-refundable.
  • Equipment manufacturers & processors may receive up to a maximum of $250,000 in the construction sector.
  • Third-party information, services, and fees may also be covered.

Funding for the Productivity Stream:

  • Eligible businesses could receive up to 40% of eligible project expenses to a maximum of $50,000 per project, non-refundable.
Amount of Funding from the Canadian Government

SME in Action

Eligible Applicants

Eligible Applicants for the Feasibility Stream:

  • Applicants must be SME businesses, including for-profit enterprises, cooperatives, and social economy enterprises.
  • Eligible industries include manufacturing, IT, environmental services, and value-added distribution services.

Eligible Applicants for the Productivity Stream:

  • This stream supports for-profit enterprises that currently have an establishment in Quebec. This includes cooperatives, as well as social economy enterprises that fall under the following sectors:
    • Manufacturing;
    • Engine service sector; preferably those that participate in the production of goods or use new technologies such as:
      • Information and communications technologies.
      • Environmental services.
      • Creation and industrial design services.
      • Industrial laboratories and scientific services.
      • Private research services.
      • Value-added distribution centers.
    • Excluded are all other sectors of activity and businesses majority owned by a Crown corporation.
Eligible Applicants for Canadian Government Funding

SME in Action

Eligible Activities

Eligible Activities for the Feasibility Stream:

  • Carrying out feasibility studies to analyze technical or economic parameters of business establishment, foster modernization or expansion projects, and decision-making for short-term QuĂ©bec investments.
  • Types of studies eligible for funding include analyzes of market, process or technology, site selection, and regulatory and legal framework.

Eligible Activities for the Productivity Stream:

  • Must implement projects that adhere to the action plan agreed upon prior, between the organization and the Ministry.
  • All projects must help grow Quebec’s economy by increasing productivity output, creating jobs, and improving Quebec’s competitiveness on the following areas:
    • Supply chain optimization.
    • Implementation of an enterprise resource planning (ERP) or customer relationship management (CRM) system.
    • Enhancement of standard compliance to achieve world-class production standards.
    • Implementation of a costing system.
Eligible Expenses for Canadian Government Funding

SME in Action

Program Deadline

Program Deadline for the Feasibility Stream:

  • Ongoing application intake will continue to accept applications until the funding pool is depleted.
  • Project implementation period may not exceed a maximum and continuous period of twelve months.

Program Deadline for the Productivity Stream:

  • Ongoing application intake will continue to accept applications until the funding pool is depleted.
Program Deadline for Canadian Government Funding
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