Canadian Territory
SR&ED Tax Credits

Receive Retroactive Research Tax Credits on R&D Projects.

Businesses located in each Canadian territory are eligible for the federal Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) tax credit program. This page covers the territorial variants of the SR&ED program.

Currently, only the Yukon has its own variant of the SR&ED funding program, which can be stacked with the federal variant of SR&ED. This program is called the Yukon Research and Development Tax Credit. Currently, there currently is not a territorial SR&ED variant for the Northwest Territories, or Nunavut.

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Canadian Territory SR&ED Tax Credits

Amount of Tax Credits

In additional to the federal SR&ED program, corporations can also apply for funding at the territorial level. Below is a list of the currently available territorial SR&ED programs:

  • Yukon (YT): 15% refundable tax credit; an additional 5% is available on amounts paid or payable to the Yukon University;
  • Northwest Territories (NT): No territorial SR&ED program currently available; and
  • Nunavut (NU): No territorial SR&ED program available as of the time of this article.

We will update this space when any SR&ED programs are announced/updated for the territories.

Amount of Funding from the Canadian Government

Canadian Territory SR&ED Tax Credits

Eligible Applicants

  • Yukon (YT): Corporations with a permanent establishment within the Yukon, members of a partnership, and individuals who are resident in Yukon on the last day of the year, including beneficiaries of a trust;
  • Northwest Territories (NT): At this time, there are no SR&ED programs operating in the NT; and
  • Nunavut (NU): At this time, there are no SR&ED programs operating in the NU.
Eligible Applicants for Canadian Government Funding

Canadian Territory SR&ED Tax Credits

Eligible Expenditures

  • Yukon (YT): As long as the expenditure falls under the Federal SR&ED eligible expenditures and the activity is carried out inside the Yukon, the expenditure qualifies;
  • Northwest Territories (NT): No program is active in this territory; and
  • Nunavut (NU): There is no program active in this territory.
Eligible Expenses for Canadian Government Funding

Canadian Territory SR&ED Tax Credits

Program Deadlines

  • Yukon (YT): To qualify for the Yukon Research and Development Tax Credit, the applicant must submit the application no later than 12 months after the tax return filing due date for the taxation year in which the expenditures for SR&ED were incurred;ā€“ for example 18 months after the taxation year-end of a corporation.
  • Northwest Territories (NT): Currently there are no SR&ED programs open in NT; and
  • Nunavut (NU): Currently there are no SR&ED programs open in NU.

To determine whether your business is eligible for benefitting through the Federal or Territorial SR&ED tax credit program, consider speaking with the Mentor Works team of Canadian government funding experts.

Program Deadline for Canadian Government Funding
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