Top Canadian Agriculture Grants for the Food and Beverage Industry

Canadian agricultural businesses can access a wide range of funding to offset the cost of strategic growth, capital investments, and innovation projects. With many agri-businesses operating from coast to coast, the federal and provincial governments provide targeted grants and loans to encourage business development and diversification. As a result, companies can access thousands to millions of dollars to carry out agricultural projects that create strong, sustainable growth opportunities.

Government grants and loans for agriculture can support workforce development, technology adoption, research, innovation, and export market expansion.

Canadian farm and food processing businesses benefit from accessing many of the government funding programs available. In addition to the vast number of programs that exist, one of the biggest benefits of government funding for agricultural advancement is how flexible funding is to support a wide variety of projects.

Government Funding for Agriculture and Agri-Food

While it’s possible to access funding programs on a project-by-project basis, we recommend incorporating grants and loans as part of your overall business strategy. To do this, we recommend that all manufacturers work with us to construct a government funding plan.

Government funding plans offer a proactive approach that outlines all upcoming strategic project expenses, then matches them with funding programs to optimize funding potential.

Want to learn more about managing, financing, and building a successful agri-business in relation to building a successful funding plan? Download the free Canadian Agri-Business Growth Guide to gain access to a comprehensive research analysis of current trends, tools, and data analytics regarding Canada’s extensive agriculture industry.

Top Canadian Agriculture Funding Programs

Provided through the Government of Canada, these are some of the top grant funding programs that are available to agriculture and agri-food or beverage businesses across the country. Discover how they can help your company grow and become more innovative:

Canadian Food Innovation Network (CFIN)

CFIN offers two programs that support Canadian food and beverage businesses that are looking to innovate new products, processes, and more through research and development. The programs are the Innovation Booster stream and the Challenge stream.

  • Amount: Canadian businesses may receive up to 50% of eligible expenses from $10,000 to $100,000 for the Innovation Booster stream, and up to 50% of eligible costs up to $500,000 to $2 million for the Challenge stream.
  • Eligibility: Eligibility criteria vary according to stream. However, all applications must include a minimum of one Canadian business in the food industry with a maximum of 500 full-time equivalent (FTE) employees.

Supply Management Processing Investment Fund (SMPIF)

The Supply Management Processing Investment Fund (SMPIF) was created to address the impact of international trade agreements on processors in the agri-food sector. This program will provide funding to processors of supply-managed commodities so they can invest in new automated equipment and technology to improve productivity and efficiency. In addition to leveraging private investments in processing plants, the fund’s objective is to enhance product quality while lowering labour costs, addressing labour shortages, and accelerating automation adoption.

  • Amount: Access up to 50% of eligible project costs to a maximum $5 million per application.
  • Eligibility: Companies may be eligible for funding if they facilitate dairy processing, are poultry processors, operate hatcheries, and egg graders and processors.

Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership (SCAP) – AgriInnovate

The AgriInnovate program is provided through the Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership (SCAP). AgriInnovate is designed to help businesses commercialize and/or adopt innovative agri-based products, technologies, processes, or services.

  • Amount: Companies accessing AgriInnovate funding may receive repayable funding of up to 50% of eligible project costs to a maximum $5 million.
  • Eligibility: For-profit Canadian businesses operating in the agriculture or agri-food sector are eligible to apply.

Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership (SCAP) – AgriScience

Through the AgriScience Program, the agricultural and agri-food sector and Canadians can accelerate innovation through pre-commercial science activities and research. There are three priority areas in the program: Climate Change and Environment, Economic Growth and Development, or Sector Resilience and Societal Challenges.

  • Amount: Up to $5 million can be awarded to this program for a non-repayable portion of the project’s eligible costs.
  • Eligibility:  Applicants may be eligible if they meet the following criteria:
    • For-profit organizations, including communes;
    • Not-for-profit organizations, including associations, clubs, co-operatives, societies, and sector councils; and
    • Indigenous individuals and organizations.

Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership (SCAP)

The Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership (SCAP) aims to strengthen the competitiveness, innovation, and resilience of the agriculture, agri-food and agri-based products industries. The Canadian government, provincial governments, and territorial governments signed a 5-year agreement, effective through 2028, known as the Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership.

  • Amount: Varies depending on province, applicant type, and project focus.
  • Eligibility: Varies depending on province, applicant type, and project focus.

Federal Hiring Grants

Hiring grants are widely available across Canada to help onboard employees gaining early career experience. Funding is generally aligned to the type of candidate hired and how long they work for your company; less funding is available to hire interns while more funding is available to support recent graduates.

  • Amount: Depends on candidate type. Interns/Co-op students may help businesses leverage incentives of $5,000 to $7,000 per incremental new hire. Recent graduates may help businesses leverage incentives of $12,000 to $15,000 per new hire.
  • Eligibility: Canadian for-profits and non-profits with the capacity to provide meaningful work experiences. Candidates should be in (or have recently graduated from) a business or STEM education program.

Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED)

There are also research and development incentives, such as theScientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) program, that provide retroactive support from the government. SR&ED offers tax credits for business-led research and development projects.

SR&ED applicants claim over $3 billion in tax incentives annually with over 20,000 claimants per year.

To learn how SR&ED may be leveraged for agriculture companies, read our article, Food Science Funding – How SR&ED Funding Works for Natural and Organic Ingredient Projects.

Top Ontario Agriculture Funding Programs

In addition to the Canadian agriculture grants and loans listed above, Ontario-based food producers and processors may qualify for provincially funded or targeted incentives such as:

Southwestern Ontario Development Fund (SWODF)

The Southwestern Ontario Development Fund (SWODF) is a business expansion funding program that incentivizes companies to invest in new facilities and equipment, as well as economic development organizations, municipalities, and consortia in investing in infrastructure or implementing strategies to advance regional priorities.

  • Amount: Up to 15% of eligible project expenses to a maximum of $5 million.
  • Eligibility: To qualify for the Southwestern Ontario Development Fund, applicants must:
    • Have been in operation for at least 3 years;
    • Commit to creating at least 5 new jobs (or 30% increase for companies with fewer than 15 employees);
    • Have 10 or more FTEs or, if in a rural community, 5 FTEs;
    • Be located in, or plan to locate in, a community in southwestern or eastern Ontario; and
    • Have a project budget greater than $500,000 (or $200,000 if in a rural community).

Eastern Ontario Development Fund (EODF)

EODF provides financial support to Canadian SMEs expanding operations and creating jobs in Eastern Ontario. Funding is suited to accommodate projects that will involve investing in new capital equipment, improving existing operations and processes, and pursuing new market opportunities.

  • Amount: Up to 15% of eligible expenses to a maximum $1.5 million in non-repayable grant funding for projects with budgets up to $10 million. Projects with budgets that exceed this amount may be eligible to receive a combination of grants and loans of up to $5 million.
  • Eligibility: Applicants must be incorporated for at least three years, have 10 or more full-time employees, and operate in Eastern Ontario. Projects must create at least 10 new full-time positions.

NGen Manufacturing Program

The NGen Manufacturing Program supports businesses for the research and development of ground-breaking technology transformation.

  • Amount: Offsets up to 44.4% of eligible project expenses. Project costs should be between $1M and $20M, providing non-repayable funding of $444,400 to $8,880,000.
  • Eligibility: Open to all industries and sectors. Projects must be transformational in scale or impact and be of wider benefit to Canada’s advanced manufacturing ecosystem. Must have a minimum of three private-sector project partners; lead partner and participants must be NGen members. No single partner can receive more than 70% of reimbursement.

Eastern Ontario Rural Innovation Initiative (RII)

RII accelerates the growth of innovative SMEs in rural Eastern Ontario. For-profit businesses and non-profit organizations can access funding to advance the global competitiveness and economic diversification of rural Ontario.

  • Amount: SMEs can access up to 50% of eligible project costs to a maximum $100,000 in non-repayable grants. Non-profit organizations may receive up to 50% of eligible project costs to a maximum $500,000.
  • Eligibility: Private, for-profit, high-growth SMEs with potential for accelerated growth through innovation. Also supports non-profits with a mandate to support rural and Eastern Ontario business development.

SCAP – Grow Ontario Market (GOM)

The Canadian government along with the Government of Ontario is investing upwards of $6 million through the Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership (SCAP) to help eligible agri-food businesses and industry organizations in Ontario to export their products into local and global markets to boost economic growth and innovation.

  • Amount: For eligible producers & food and beverage processors, the funding amount is up to 50% of total eligible costs, to a max of $60,000.
  • Eligibility: Applicants may be eligible for this program if they are in Ontario; are an agri-food business; a food or beverage processor; or a farm business.

Top Western Canada Agriculture Funding Programs

In addition to the Canadian agriculture grants and loans listed above, food producers and processors based in British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba may qualify for provincially funded or targeted incentives. The top one to consider is:

Western Business Scale-up and Productivity (BSP) Program

BSP helps businesses with high growth potential adopt/adapt innovative technologies that support productivity, grow operations, and increase exports to global markets.

  • Amount: Repayable contribution (no-interest loan) of up to 50% of eligible project expenses to a maximum $5 million per project and $10 million per applicant.
  • Eligibility: Must maintain profitable operations in Western Canada (British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, or Manitoba) for at least two years and be incorporated at the time of application.

Top Atlantic Canada Agriculture Funding Programs

In addition to the Canadian agriculture grants and loans listed above, food producers and processors based in New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, and Prince Edward Island may qualify for provincially funded or targeted incentives, including:

Atlantic Business Scale-up and Productivity (BSP) Program

The Atlantic BSP program helps businesses with high growth potential to adopt/adapt innovative technologies that support productivity, grow operations, and increase exports to global markets. 

  • Amount: Grant or repayable contribution (no-interest loan) of up to 50-75% of eligible project expenses to a maximum $20 million.
  • Eligibility: Must operate in Atlantic Canada (New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island).

How to Navigate the Government Funding Process

Developing and executing a strategic government funding plan starts by identifying manufacturing grants and loans that could support your business’ upcoming projects. Mentor Works, a Ryan Company can support this important first step towards funding success; simply contact us to start a conversation about accessing funding for your upcoming growth projects.

For more information about how to manage, finance, and grow a successful agricultural business, download the free Canadian Agri-Business Growth Guide.

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  1. Looking to obtain a $200,000 grant or low interest loan for a capital project. Is there any possibilities of obtaining such for an indoor riding arena?

    1. Hello Murielle,
      Thank you for stopping by our blog. I don’t believe your project would qualify for funding for agriculture and agri-food. I would start by visiting your local RIC.

  2. This may be an old post, curious if there are more current updates for the same purposes?

    I’m looking at getting into mushroom cultivation and looking to get and for start up.

    Thank you 🙂

  3. Looking for a grant to build a barn for our existing veal meat business. We are currently renting our brother in laws barn and are looking for a grant to build our own barn. This is are second year in business. Is there anything out there for that?

  4. Hello I am Rafael
    I have a project is an aquaponic farm but I don’t know if the grant program help in this kind of projects, I have some knolege but I have to start and I don’t have capital because I am inmigrant. it is possible?

  5. Hello Ryan,

    I am planning to purchase and modernize old, out of business fish farm with capacity of hiring minimum 50 full time employees gradually in two years.
    The project needs about 2 million dollars for purchasing and modernization and another $500,000 for the fish stock. The production capacity will be estimated for about 350k to 500k in sales. in 2 years time. Expected wholesale and retail domestic and USA Customers .
    I have experience with fish business for almost 30 years.
    Can I expect some grants and no interest loans on provincial and federal level, and if yes how much and for each separate business activity.

    1. Hi Ryan, there are government funding programs that could potentially support your project. However, we need to know more about your expenses and timelines before recommending some good fits. Please use our Contact Form to speak with a Government Funding Planner; they have the resources to support your funding discovery and application.

  6. We are a cow/calf operation. We currently run 40 cow/calf pairs on an average year. We have a mid 70’s 1 storey tie stall barn, 32′ x 170′. We would like to either raise the roof or demo and build new with higher ceilings. The reason we are doing this is so we can contain our manure under cover until we apply it to the fields and so that we can have easier access to handle the cattle during calving and for other handling purposes. We are looking for grants/loans that might bee available for this project.

  7. I currently have a bio beef, chicken, turkeys and eggs farm. Would like to setup a solar based automated greenhouse for selling bio produce to the coop. Project cost 1.4m, currently farm has no debt any help out there

    1. Hi Peter, a project of this scale will likely qualify for government funding, but we’ll need to discuss you project in greater detail to make a recommendation. I’ve asked my colleague Katlynd to reach out to you so that you can talk about the project; please expect her email within the next 1-2 business days.

  8. Hey there,

    We are a chocolate maker operating in Toronto, but with our roots in niagara region. We make chocolate from raw cacao, and are looking to expand into a new production facility to increase efficiency and output. Do you know of fitting grants that could assist in either acquiring the equipment line as well as anything for moving our operation to the area?

    We’re currently in the process of looking for land on the wine route to build, so we are a ways out, but feel planning is key!

    Any help would be welcome!

    1. Hi Kyle, thanks for your message! It seems like there is great potential for funding here; there are a few government incentives that could support your expansion and capital investments but we’ll first need to know more about your project budget and timeline for spends.

      I’ve reached out to one of my colleagues who will be in touch with you later today. We look forward to helping you uncover and access funding opportunities!

  9. Hello there ,

    We have been operating a beekeeping business in Ontario since 1954 ,in the same building for that whole time . The town has slowly grown around us and we are now in the middle of the town. As of lately we have been receiving grate pressures from the municipality with the storage trailers we have on site (4) . The municipality is forcing us to get rid of the trailers and replace with an addition to the honey storage and processing portion of the building. Do to bio security, ease of operations, costs,and multiple other reasons we would like to have all our storage and processing on site as we have for the past 65 years but with out building this additional space we can not operat as we have for the past 65 years . Are there any possible grants that may assist us in remaining were we are and building addition ?

    Any help would be very much appreciated , thank you in advance.


    1. Hi Peter, thanks for your question. This is an interesting growth opportunity for your business, and there may be funding programs to help support your facility expansion.

      The first program that comes to mind is the Southwestern/Eastern Ontario Development Fund, which is typically what we’d recommend our clients to explore. However, although the fund supports facility expansion and technology adoption, it requires the funding recipient to hire 10+ employees by the end of the project.

      Alternately, there could be support available through the Canadian Agricultural Partnership (CAP) Producer or Processor program, although we’re currently waiting for a new cycle of funding to be released before we fully understand what types of projects are being considered for funding.

      I’d like you to connect with one of my colleagues who can talk to you about your expansion and learn the scope of your project. That’ll make it easier for us to tailor results towards your budget, timelines, and expected results. Please allow for 1-2 business days and we’ll be in contact by email. Thanks!

  10. Hello,
    I am looking into buying a piece of land and starting a bee farm in Eastern Ontario region. I plan on taking a few courses to help me get up to speed with things.
    I am wondering if there are any grants or bursaries for a bee farm startup. For helping to purchase land, get equipment, get started essentially. Also I am just over 40 now and realise that I just missed out on the young farmers grant, sadly.
    Any help and info would be greatly appreciated.
    Thanks, Nicole.

    1. Hi Nicole, unfortunately, government funding programs are generally provided to support established, growing businesses. To qualify for many top federal and provincial supports, your business should be incorporated, employ a minimum of three employees, and show a minimum two years of profitable operations. You may wish to learn more about the Canadian Small Business Financing Program (CSBFP) which helps entrepreneurs qualify for bank and credit union loans. These more typical financial products may be a good approach to take instead of diving into the grants/loans space.

  11. Hello I’m currently working on a business plan to manufacture, distribute and sell vegan frozen food entrées to grocers across Canada. Is there some help for startup for this type of industry?

    1. Hi Melanie – While most government grant and repayable funding programs require applicant businesses to be incorporated in Canada and have a track record of positive net income, there are other support resources that we’d recommend startups investigate. In fact, we’ve created a list of some of the top Startup Resources (click to see the list) that entrepreneurs like yourself should explore to help with financing, business strategy, and mentorship in this critical stage of your business’ development.

  12. Hello – we have a tea business in Eastern Ontario and we are looking at growing our own herbs for our custom blend herbal teas and wellness teas. We would like to purchase a farm in the area and wondering if there are any grants/funding available. We are incorporated.

    1. Hi Angella – It’s exciting to hear that your business is actively growing and you’re gaining more control over your supply chain! There is likely funding available to support these investments, however we’d need to know a bit more about your business and project before we can pinpoint the optimal funding programs. If you let us know a bit more about your project via our Funding Contact Form, we can provide more insight on funding opportunities for your established business.

  13. Hi, I am wondering about the viability of hiring students for harvesting fresh produce and creating food baskets on a family run farm. Potentially also to help with social media and maintaining the orders etc…is there anything out there that exists??

    1. Hello Christine,

      I there may be programs that we can explore together. Please fill out a contact form on our website here and we can have a team member reach out to you to explore this opportunity in more detail together.

  14. Hello, my wife and I are looking to start up a family farm. The farm is to be cash crop and beef.

    We are currently working with FCC to finance the farm purchase. We are looking here to obtain aid in producing the 25 percent of fianancing that FCC requires.

    We are wondering if there are any grants or financing possibilities that would be able to assist us.

    1. Hello Aaron,

      Thank you for reaching out to us. Mentor Works specializes in working with established businesses that have been in operation for a few years secure funding through various programs. If you are looking to start your business, I would suggest that you check out some of our startup resources here. All the best of luck and as you grow I hope we can work together.

  15. Is this website operational?

    I would like to get information about Aquaponics.

    Phone. 647 687 8830 Toronto

    1. Hi Pedro – Our website is certainly active and we publish new Canadian funding and business news updates on our blog each day, as well as keep track of all of the active Canadian government funding across our website. If you have a specific question about your established business adopting aquaponics equipment, please feel free to fill out our contact form. Although we work specifically with established Canadian businesses, if you’re a startup interested in purchasing your initial equipment and other capital, please refer to our Startup Resources page for suitable resources towards your critical startup investments.

  16. Hello
    I have been living in Canada for the past 25 years, born and raised in Pakistan, a country with 25 Million populations.
    I am very interested to start a hydroponic or Aquaponic farming in Pakistan, although Pakistan is an agriculture country, but due to traditional farming practices, they are not producing enough with their land compared to revolutionary hydroponic farming.
    Globally there is a huge shortage of water, unfortunately the traditional method of farming in Pakistan takes tons of water compared to Hydroponic, which is widely acceptable due to yield and being organic.
    I, need to know what resources available in Canada to help developing country with Canadian technology in smart farming, or is there any non profit organization that works with us towards this.
    Warm regards
    Mohammad Aslam

    1. Hi Mohammad – You mentioned that your aquaponics farm would be located in Pakistan. As it turns out, Canadian government funding is reserved specifically for investments within Canada into Canadian incorporated businesses. Should you wish to explore Canadian government grants for investments in a Canadian incorporated business located here in Canada, there are several programs available to you such as the suite of programs provided through the Canadian Agricultural Partnership (CAP) which are specifically for agri-businesses and you can give us more info via our Contact Form to explore other options. All the best.

  17. Hi Jeff or Chris,

    We are launching an innovative online B2B platform (Buy Canada Food) to help connect Canadian Food Manufacturers with the retailers from Canada and USA.

    Is there any funding for this project? Such as innovation grant, hiring students or anything that can help us promote Canadian businesses.

    1. Hi Tim – Thanks for your notes! In addition to your hiring grant inquiries, there could be other project-based grants available if you are an established business (3+ years incorporated, 15+ payroll employees), in which case please feel free to tell us a bit more about your project by contacting us directly. If you are growing a young business, we recommend you browse our Startup Resources Page.

    1. Hi Tiffany – We have seen several programs, including the currently active Reconnect Festival and Event Program which has a December 1, 2020 application deadline. Please let us know if you would like your help to confirm your eligibility. We can also make sure you’re getting the most out of the program by maximizing your budget and application. Just give us a call (1-888-599-3111) or fill out our contact form. There might be other funding available for you as well.

  18. Hi Jeff / Chris

    I am residing in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, currently I have designed and prototyped an affordable, easy to use and reachable post harvest equipment for onion screening. That grades products according to sizes, which is an important technic as price for the product will have sigificance increase for farmers due to the uniformity of out puts and also makes the products export ready. Is there any means that I could apply for a grant that can help me scale up the equipment quality and pilot to farmers.

    Thank you for your time.

    Warmest regards

    1. Hi Tadios – Thank you for the message. As it turns out, the Canadian government funding we focus on is exclusive to businesses incorporated and residing in Canada. As such, international businesses wouldn’t be eligible for the government funding incentives we mention on our website. All the best with your new technology and thanks for stopping by our blog.

  19. hey there we just put up a new poultry barn and bought quota, is there anything to help out with the cost of?
    we also have beef cattle and could use a new hay storage shed to keep feed, is there anything for that as well?

    1. Hi Scott – Yes, multiple programs mentioned in this bloog might be relevant to your business. If you want help identifying and applying for funding, please feel free to contact us and let us know a bit about what you’re looking to invest in over the next 12-24 months.

  20. Hi, we are currently expanding our storage and warehousing for our sweet potato business in SW ON. Are there any programs available to help fund storage facilities and warehousing?

    1. Hi Drew – If your business has 15+ employees and has been incorporated in Canada for 3+ years, we welcome you to give us a bit more information via our Contact Form. We’ll be able to identify the best funding options for your specific needs. If you are a smaller business or newer business, we would recommend referring to the Startup Resources available to those types of businesses.

  21. Hello, I own and operated a fruit and vegetable processing business in BC. A multinational company has approached our firm to provide them for about 100 trucks of an organic product that is grown in our area. However, the require us to meet RTE designation. As you can imagine this will cost around 500000 to 700000 to achieve. Is there any grant available to aid in this possible export? Our current sales are in excess of $50,000,000.00 however are margins are tight and this will be a great boost to us. This would be ongoing business, year after year.

    1. Hi Steve – Congratulations on your new business! Mentor Works focuses solely on government funding for Canadian businesses who have been incorporated for 3+ years and have 15+ payroll employees, however we would recommend referring to the Startup Resources available to you as a startup.

  22. Hi, We are currently working on MOE permitting to build a commercial digester in Eastern Ontario. Are there any grants available to us for this green energy build and start-up. We are looking to get grants for permitting studies required and any grants for building the digester plant. We plan to have 10 employees to start, with more added as we implement the RNG and C02 processes.
    I have applied to Canadian Grants Business Centre and all they want to do is sell me a $650 book, with 700 pages of small print programs that don’t apply (or hard to find) funding from the government. NOT interested in this kind of bureaucracy funding programs.

    1. Hi Mary – Congratulations on your new business! Mentor Works focuses solely on government funding for Canadian businesses who have been incorporated for 3+ years and have 15+ payroll employees, however we would recommend referring to the Startup Resources available to you as a startup.

  23. Looking to start cattle ranching and expand a green house food production. What grants and funding are available for nb startups like these

    1. Hi Errol – Congratulations on your new business! Mentor Works focuses solely on government funding for Canadian businesses who have been incorporated for 3+ years and have 15+ payroll employees, however we would recommend referring to the Startup Resources available to you as a startup. If you are incorporated, some of the programs mentioned in this article might be relevant, however please note that the programs listed were active as of the publish date of the post, and details/availability might have changed since.

  24. I have an idea on how to make grain shipments from farm to port faster, greener, and cheaper. Who to contact about funding study on the feasibility of this? Thanks

    1. Hi Allen – Thanks for the comment. We would be happy to explore government funding opportunities for your Canadian business. Please fill out the form on our Contact Page to give us a bit more insight into your business and we’ll be in touch with next steps. All the best.

  25. Hello… I am an asparagus producer employing 40 people for an 8 week period every year to harvest and grade my crop. The chain stores have been tightening up their grading specs the past few years causing it almost impossible to grade for their specs by the human eye. Laser grading machines are coming on stream in Europe but the cost is very prohibitive for my 70 acres of asparagus. Obtaining one would allow me to achieve their grading specs. It would also allow me into the US market and cut down on costs. Is there anyGov’t funding available for such an automated piece of machinery?

    1. Hi Kim – Thank you for your message. In order to pinpoint government funding opportunities for your business, could you please provide a bit more information by filling out our Contact Form? This will allow us to match your company profile with the available funding programs and determine which are most suitable for your needs. Thanks and we’re looking forward to hearing from you.

  26. Hello,
    I was wondering if there is any international funding for Agribusiness for people living in Africa… West Africa?

    1. Hi Samuel – Mentor Works is focused on government funding for Canadian businesses and our content reflects that area of expertise. We would recommend referring to your local government’s websites to explore funding opportunities for your West African-based business. All the best.

  27. My sister and I, along with my 14yo son, have acquired a mint combine and several pieces of field equipment. We have 25 acres of workable land and the knowledge and experience to farm cash crops such as beans, wheat, and barley. Is there any help available to raise the roof on her barn to park our equipment in, or to purchase a tractor, which we still need? Thank you for your help!

    1. Hi Lynn – Your business would need to be incorporated before you are eligible for the majority of government funding programs profiled in this article. As an entrepreneur, we would highly recommend you explore the options listed on this Startup Resource page. All the best with your new family endeavor!

  28. We are a special crops processing and exporting business have been in business for the last 10+ years. We have invested significantly in our plant. Is there any zero interest loan available to support us?

  29. My family recently purchased 8.86 acres of land in order to start a hobby farm. We started work on building a house intended to be a place for the farmer to live, we’ve also cleared some trees to make room for building a greenhouse, organic vegetable farm, and barn. We are looking for grants to build all of these. Are there grants specific to completing the farmers home, barn, greenhouse, and vegetable farms.

    1. Hi Meena – Thanks for your question. It’s important to review each program’s applicant eligibility, since it is very common for government funding programs to require applicants to meet certain criteria, such as being incorporated or having a Premises ID.

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