Manufacturing Matters 2018: Government Funding and More on October 4

Manufacturing Matters 2018: Government Funding and More on October 4

The North American manufacturing industry is poised for growth in 2019 and beyond. Because of this, Canada’s vast supply chain of manufacturers should explore opportunities to scale operations, become more productive, and improve worker skills to support tech innovation. As the industry continues to experience growth, it’s important for businesses and industry leaders to connect…

Lessons Learned from Generational Diversity in the Workplace

Lessons Learned from Generational Diversity in the Workplace

Today’s workforce reflects many cross generations working together. These include: The Silent Generation (1925-1945), Baby Boomers (1946-1964), Generation X (1965-1976), Millennials (1977-1995), and Generation Z (1996 and later). While each of these groups bring beneficial skills to the workplace, there tends to be differences in workforce behaviours between the oldest and the youngest generations, particularly…

TechPlace Burlington: Scale-Up Resources for Tech Innovators

TechPlace Burlington: Scale-Up Resources for Tech Innovators

According to Fortune, 90% of startups fail. This is particularly true in the technology industry where limited working capital and lack of access to crucial business resources (space, talent, mentorship) can cause significant problems. Although the odds are stacked against these innovative new businesses, accessing support networks can substantially improve the chances of long-term success….

Top Recruitment Methods to Improve Employee Retention

Top Recruitment Methods to Improve Employee Retention

Considerable time and resources are needed to recruit new employees. From candidate searches to employee onboarding, it takes a lot of effort to find qualified workers who maintain the proper cultural fit for your organization. With so much invested in the process, employers should be looking for any way possible to maximize the retention of…

Find Co-Packers to Expand Ontario Food and Beverage Production

Find Co-Packers to Expand Ontario Food and Beverage Production

Update: The Food and Beverage Ontario’s Co-Packer program is now closed. Please refer to the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs’ Co-packers page for co-packer resources. Early-stage food and beverage companies typically lack the resources needed to purchase production space. If this is the case for your Ontario-based startup or SME, consider using a co-packer…

The 3 Factors That Make Your Funding Application Competitive

The 3 Factors That Make Your Funding Application Competitive

Accessing government funding for the first time might seem daunting without knowing how the process works. If your business is new to the funding landscape, it’s important to understand the various funding types and how to navigate the funding process. Once you’ve read up on that, it’s time to select suitable programs. To do that,…

Top 3 Job Boards to Attract Youth Talent to Your Workforce

Top 3 Job Boards to Attract Youth Talent to Your Workforce

Across Canada, talent and skill shortages remain a concern for many businesses and industries. Recent studies suggest that 82% of employers struggle to find properly trained and/or educated candidates to fill vacancies within their organization. Traditional recruitment methods are not enough; employers must leverage emerging technologies to effectively connect with youth talent, such as social…

Why You Should Consider Hiring People with Disabilities

Why You Should Consider Hiring People with Disabilities

Across Canada, individuals with disabilities experience lower employment rates and earnings than the rest of the population. Despite being well-educated and eager to work, these individuals are often turned away by employers. There’s a misconception among employers that hiring workers with a disability involves expensive accommodation costs and a lower return-on-investment. This could not be…

Addressing Food and Commercial Waste Practices in Ontario

Addressing Food and Commercial Waste Practices in Ontario

Waste has been a growing concern across Ontario for over 40 years. Despite the desire to reduce our garbage output, Ontarian’s generate over 12 million tonnes of food and commercial waste per year. To mitigate this issue, the government has focused its efforts on “waste diversion”, which helps prevent waste from ending up in landfills…

Trillium Manufacturing Network Releases Interactive Business Directory

Trillium Manufacturing Network Releases Interactive Business Directory

The Trillium Network for Advanced Manufacturing (also referred to as the Trillium Manufacturing Network) is a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting Ontario’s manufacturing industry. Funded through the Canadian federal and provincial governments, the Trillium Manufacturing Network is uniquely focused on helping Ontario manufacturers grow through mentorship and collaborative research opportunities. Recently, the organization was awarded…