Strategic Innovation Fund: Rockport Networks Awarded $12M

Strategic Innovation Fund: Rockport Networks Awarded $12M

An Ontario-based technology company, Rockport Networks, has received funding from the federal government to develop Networking at the Edge (NATE). The $49.9M project will create software-enabled network systems for data storage, making these systems more energy efficient, as well as faster and more secure. Rockport Networks, located in Ottawa and founded in 2012, specializes in…

Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning & Data Science: Whatā€™s the Difference?

Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning & Data Science: Whatā€™s the Difference?

If there’s one thing that unites Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Data Science, it’s Venn diagrams. Itā€™s a sure sign weā€™ve reached the peak of a technologyā€™s hype cycle when the popular articles about it stop complaining about buzzwords and start complaining about all the articles complaining about buzzwords. That seems to be the case…

Product Life Cycle Management: Overcome Declining Competitiveness

Product Life Cycle Management: Overcome Declining Competitiveness

Businesses rarely remain competitive with the same product offering theyā€™ve always offered. In these rare cases, companies operate in a unique niche that presents high barriers to entry (capital, expertise, IP, etc.), and benefit from a low-to-no competition environment. No considerations need to be provided for the product life cycle since competitive forces are not…

How to Use Business Process Mapping for Operational Success

How to Use Business Process Mapping for Operational Success

Business process mapping is a lean management strategy that seeks to understand and eliminate sources of waste. Companies often rely on many processes to provide value to customers; by mapping how these processes work, firms can identify which activities add value and which activities cause friction in the process, making it less efficient. While most…

Canadian Government Funding to Support Open Data Enterprises

Canadian Government Funding to Support Open Data Enterprises

Can you create an open data retrieval platform that accesses non-standardized data sets? How can the thousands of parameters affecting watercourses be used to help a sport angler? Is there a way to apply machine learning to the process of interpreting satellite imagery? Enterprises are increasingly using open data sets to create or improve their…

A 5-Point Framework for Great Small Business Performance Metrics

A 5-Point Framework for Great Small Business Performance Metrics

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in the following article are those of the guest author and do not necessarily represent or reflect Mentor Works Ltd. One of the many challenges of managing a small business is dealing with the complexities of growth. There are more clients, more employees, more problems, and more decisions to…

Will 2016 be the Year of Big Data Analytics?

Will 2016 be the Year of Big Data Analytics?

Massive amounts of high-quality data enables businesses to make calculated decisions that fuel competitiveness, profitability, and success. In a landscape where owners and executives need to be agile and definitive with their decision making, being able to gather and process big data provides a critical advantage over competitors. Big data analytics, the ability to process…