Develop Your Risk Management Strategy with Manufacturers E&O Insurance

Develop Your Risk Management Strategy with Manufacturers E&O Insurance

Consider this scenario: A customer asks your company to manufacture a part according to certain specifications, which were outlined in a contract. He needs to add the part to his product and ship it to his customers by a set deadline. Your company creates the part, but due to an error that occurs during the…

[EVENT] April 25, 2019 in Markham: Financing Solutions for Strategic Business Growth

[EVENT] April 25, 2019 in Markham: Financing Solutions for Strategic Business Growth

To overcome growth challenges, businesses should use a combination of equity, bank financing, and government funding. Each source of investment capital supports aggressive but sustainable growth plans and enables companies to act on emerging market opportunities. Fortunately, businesses can learn more about Canadian and Ontario government funding to support business growth by attending an upcoming…

Women Entrepreneurship Strategy (WES): Helping Women Grow Their Businesses

Women Entrepreneurship Strategy (WES): Helping Women Grow Their Businesses

While there is greater gender equality in the workforce than ever before, there is still a gender divide amongst top leaders and entrepreneurs. Less than 16% of Canadian small and medium-sized businesses are women-owned, yet the full and equal involvement of women in the economy is essential to Canadaā€™s competitiveness. Only 10% of high growth…

[EVENT] Jan 22, 2019: Government Funding & Equipment Financing Solutions

[EVENT] Jan 22, 2019: Government Funding & Equipment Financing Solutions

To overcome growth challenges, businesses should consider using a combination of equity, bank financing, and government funding. Each source of investment capital supports aggressive but sustainable growth plans and enables companies to act on emerging market opportunities. Fortunately, GTA-based businesses can learn more about Canadian and Ontario government funding by attending an upcoming financing solutions…

Canada Small Business Financing Program: Loans for Business Growth

Canada Small Business Financing Program: Loans for Business Growth

Small business owners frequently face challenges when scaling their operations. With limited cash flow, most seek financial support for growth projects through banks. However, business owners are often rejected for loans and other financial products because theyā€™re deemed a high-risk borrower. As a result, their business stays small and unable to compete with larger, more…

[EVENT] Build a Government Funding Plan for Your Business in Hamilton

[EVENT] Build a Government Funding Plan for Your Business in Hamilton

Accessing government funding for the first time might seem daunting without knowing how the process works. If your business is new to the funding landscape, itā€™s important toĀ understand the different types of funding programs andĀ how to navigate the application process. Fortunately, Hamilton and GTA-based technology firms can learn more about government funding by attending an…

[EVENT] Leadership Trust = Leadership Character: June 7 in London

[EVENT] Leadership Trust = Leadership Character: June 7 in London

High-performing organizations have leaders whose character shines. Courage, drive, accountability, integrity, and good judgement are the mainstays of what leaders bring to the table; however, great leaders also embrace humility, justice, humanity, patience, collaboration, and transcendence. These are the 11 dimensions of Leader Character. Southwestern Ontario businesses can learn about Leader Character and strategies to…

Government Funding Terminology for Programs, Applicants, and Projects

Government Funding Terminology for Programs, Applicants, and Projects

Canadian government funding programs often use terminology that is difficult for applicants to understand. These terms may be uncommon, but they are significant and important to comprehend when it comes to developing competitive government funding applications. Applicants should have a basis to understand government funding programs, including the terminology used to talk about types of…

Get Paid Now: 6 Tips for Better Accounts Receivable Management

Get Paid Now: 6 Tips for Better Accounts Receivable Management

In business, cash is king. Understanding how to manage your cash flow properly will save you from undue stress and ensure that youā€™re paid for your products or services. Meticulous cash flow management is one of the most important elements to running a strong, successful business. Cash is needed to complete new projects, pay employees,…

What Can Business Leaders Learn from Competitive Athletes?

What Can Business Leaders Learn from Competitive Athletes?

Business professionals can learn a vast amount of leadership skills from competitive athletes. There are powerful similarities between elite athletes and business leaders; both are hard-working, dedicated, and persevere through challenges to become better than they were the previous day. Business leaders and athletes both strive for goals, work hard for marginal gains, and endure…