R&D Project Hiring Grants for Interns and PhD Fellows

OCE TalentEdge Research Grants Ontario

Funded by the Government of Ontario, the R&D Project Hiring Grants programĀ provides a unique opportunity for businesses to hire an academic researcher for a 4-12 month period. This will enable businesses to break through innovation challenges and complete projects otherwise impossible or too costly.

Ontario businesses can receive up to 50% of wages to a maximum of $10,000 in Ontario research grants for hiring post-secondary graduates for four months, while companies who hire PhD fellows for 12 months may receive up to $35,000 in cash and in-kind professional development resources.

R&D Project Hiring Grants Program: Internship and Fellowship Streams

R&D Project Hiring Grants are divided into two unique streams, the (1) Internship funding, and (2) Fellowship funding.

R&D Project Hiring Grants: Internship Component

This stream of the program focuses on hiring current college and university students, post-secondary graduates, and Masters graduates to complete internal research projects. Each four-month internship is valued at $20,000, including $10,000 in Ontario government grants provided by OCE. Businesses are required to provide the other $10,000 in cash and in-kind contributions.

Each business can claim up to 6 internship units (of 4 months each) per application. These units can be used to hire a research student for up to 24 months, or up to 6 researchers for 4 months each. The Internship stream provides a total maximum value of $60,000 for Ontario businesses.

R&D Project Hiring Grants: Fellowship Component

Alternately, the Fellowship streamĀ supports the hiring of Ontario-based PhD graduates and post-doctoral fellows to assist industry-led research and development projects. Unlike the Internship stream, each fellowship is valued at $85,000 per unit, including $35,000 in contributions from OCE, and $50,000 in cash and in-kind funding from the business.

Each business can claim up to 2 fellowship units (of 12 months) per application. These units can be used to employ one PhD graduate or post-doctoral fellow for 24 months, or two researchers for 12 months each. The Fellowship stream provides a total maximum value of $70,000 in Ontario business funding.

Business Eligibility for R&D Project Hiring Grants

Ontario-based businesses must be eligible for R&D Project Hiring Grants to successfully receive government funding. This requires that:

  • The company is for-profit and can provide the necessary cash or in-kind contributions;
  • The company has a valid Business Number (BN) provided by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA);
  • The company must use results to benefit the Province of Ontario.

Apply for Research Project Hiring Grants

Ā To ensure that your business can capitalize on this round of funding, begin planning the research project and identify skills required in a prospective intern. You can start this process, businesses can download Mentor Worksā€™ Canadian Small Business Funding Guide and How to Recruit Top Talent slides. These will inform business owners and help them to plan their hiring needs/process.

Learn More about theĀ R&D Project Hiring Grants Program

Get StartedĀ  Ā  Ā Eligibility Criteria


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