Broader Public Sector Investment Fund: Promoting Ontario Food

Ontario food producers are being encouraged to promote their products within Ontario. The Broader Public Sector Investment Fund aims to help these Ontario food companies establish the potential market available in the public sector. This fund is designed to create partnerships between the public sector (ie. municipal daycares and long term care facilities, universities and colleges, schools and hospitals) and Ontario food producers, processors, and distributors in order to increase Ontario food sales.

Funding Amount

The partnerships must have a sole focus on achieving an increase in sales of Ontario foods by the targeted public sector. Applicable projects focus on such topics as food service procurement, infrastructure expansion, shared learning, and education & engagement. The Broader Public Sector Investment Fund will cover up to 75% of eligible costs related to the project.

Learn More

To discover more about the Broader Public Sector Investment Fund, please contact Mentor Works today. We will assist you with the application process and provide you with valuable resources to maximize the success of your project. Be sure to follow us on Twitter,Ā Facebook, andĀ LinkedIn.

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