Government Grants Ontario – Funding Technical Challenges

Accelerator Review Program, Small Projects with $50k Non-repayable Grant

A popular funding mechanism in Southern Ontario is The Accelerated Review Process byĀ the Industrial Research Assistance ProgramĀ provides $50k non-repayable grant by supporting 100% of direct labor and 75% sub-contractors fees.

How Funding Works

The projects eligible are those that present a strong business case for technology advancement, and the clients must demonstrate the technical, financial and managerial capacity to take an idea from concept to commercialization. This would include software implementation, productivity improvements, lean manufacturing studies, engineering process analysis, development of sales & marketing plans, competitive market research, production design or feasibility studies.

Federal Government Funding

With Federal government funding released April 1 each year, it is recommended to submit application in January.

The eligibility factors include 1 person on payroll and 2 years incorporated.

For additional information or support in submitting your application, please do not hesitate to contact Mentor Works Business Consulting services. Additional information and to get started, please visit our IRAP Accelerator Fund pageĀ or the IRAP direct address is Industrial Research Assistance Program.

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