NOHFC Youth Internship and Co-op Government Funding Program

Business group portraitThe Northern Ontario Heritage Fund Corporation (NOHFC) offers the Youth Internship and Co-op Canadian government funding program, which provides young northerners access to work placements and internships that will provide them with further opportunities to a successful career. NOHFC is investing in highly skilled young workforce and will prepare them for future employment in the North.

Who is Eligible for this Ontario Government Funding?

Private sector and public sector employers located in Northern Ontario involved in the following sectors are eligible for these small business funding grants:

  • Healthcare
  • Value-added manufacturing
  • Emerging technologies
  • Social services
  • Environmental sciences
  • Other activities that result in an economic or social development advantage for Northern Ontario


Eligible candidates must meet this criterion:

  • Co-op placements: Northern Ontario secondary school graduates 29 years of age or under currently attending an accredited college or university
  • Internships: Northern Ontario secondary school graduates 29 years of age or under who recently graduated from an accredited college or university

Ontario Government Funding for Young Northerners

The following is the funding breakdown of the Youth Internship and Co-op Program:

  • Co-op placements: eligible Northern Ontario employers provided with a conditional contribution of up to 50% of a wage subsidy to a maximum of $6.00 per hour to hire post-secondary students from Northern Ontario for work placements
  • Internships: eligible Northern Ontario employers are provided with a conditional contribution of:
    • Up to 90% of a recent Northern Ontario graduateā€™s salary to a maximum of $27,500 annually in the public sector
    • Up to 50% of a recent Northern Ontario graduateā€™s salary to a maximum of $27,500 annually in the private sector

Find Out More Information on NOHFC Government Funding Ontario

Learn more about this small business grants for hiring program by selecting from one of the following links:


Business Funding Grants Support

If you are interested in learning more about government funding tools and opportunities, please contact Mentor Works, the Canadian Government Funding Experts. Businesses can also receive current updates on these small business funding programs by following us on Twitter or signing up for a 60 Minute Government Funding Workshop.


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