Ontario Business Grants for Hiring Nutrition & Food Program Grads

bigstock-Young-business-woman-with-fold-34301792Graduate Enterprise Internship (GEI), through its partnership with Ryerson University is offering small business grants to companies that hire recent STEM grads.Ā  Companies looking to hire a recent graduate from Ryerson University School of Nutritionā€™s, Nutrition and Food Program can receive up to $15,000 in Ontario grants for small business.

Ontario Government Grants for Small Business Details

GEIā€™s government funding for small business programs are well known for connecting small and medium-sized companies with talented candidates from Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) fields.Ā  Companies deemed eligible for GEI small business funding grants will receive up to:

  • $10,000 in small business grants for hiring an intern that recently completed an undergraduate degree in a STEM field, or
  • $15,000 in government grants for small business to hire an intern that is currently pursuing, or have recently completed a graduate or PhD degree in a STEM field.

Ontario Business Grants Company Eligibility

In order to be eligible for this Ontario business funding grants program companies must:

  • Be located in Southern Ontario
  • Have less than 1000 employees
  • Be able to equip an intern with applied business skills and experience
  • Assign a management level mentor to the intern

Answers to Frequently Asked Questions about this Program:

  • Nutrition science technically falls under the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics umbrella, and so there is no separate program for it as it is possible to qualify under the GEI program.
  • The GEI program accepts candidates from any recognized university so long as they are a recent graduate from one of the STEM fields (Nutritional Science is eligible). Ā A recent graduate is defined as someone who has graduated within the last 5 years.
  • The absolute minimum requirement for eligibility is either a three year diploma or an undergraduate degree. Ā Unfortunately 2 year diplomas or certificates do not qualify for funding.

Access GEI Small Business Grants Ontario

This is an exciting and lucrative opportunity for Southern Ontario small and medium-sized businesses.Ā  If your company would like to get first in line for this Ontario government funding program please click on the ā€œGet Startedā€ button below and share with us your pertinent contact information and Canadian government funding expert will contact you soon to help walk you through the process.


Learn About More Canadian Small Business Grants and Ontario Small Business Loans Programs

We provide several resources to help equip small and medium-sized businesses to access the Canadian government funding that they are eligible for.Ā Ā  You can Learn How to Find Small Business Grants and Loans Programs on our website, sign up for our Canadian government funding E-Newsletter, attend a Free Canadian government funding workshop, and follow us on your favourite social media networks: LinkedIn,Ā Facebook, and Twitter.

Also, if you have at least 15 employees and have been incorporated for a minimum of 3 years you can contact a Canadian government funding expert for a complimentary consultation.

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