Intersolar 2011 Germany Showcases Leading Ontario Companies

If you are an Ontario company in the photovoltaic sector, look forward to next month’s Intersolar 2011. The annual solar event in Munich, Germany plays host to the smartest minds in the global solar technology and photovoltaic sector. The event is currently accepting Ontario companies in these sectors to showcase their product offerings and innovations….

5 Online Marketing Activities for Businesses on a Budget

Traditional marketing efforts have demanded high expenses and time requirements – two large barriers to entry for small businesses with limited budgets. But consumers are becoming less convinced by these traditional marketing techniques. Television commercials that would have worked well 15 years ago just aren’t having the same effect today. Why not? With the advancement…

MITACS Accelerate – Collaborate with Universities for Innovation

Research and development efforts are a resource-intensive activity. A common hurdle faced by Ontario small businesses is the lack of capital needed to carry out research and development efforts. The MITACS Accelerate program aims to solve this by creating partnerships between Ontario businesses and universities. By combining resources through partnerships, both parties can realize a…

Are You Handling Your Social Media Efficiently?

Are You Handling Your Social Media Efficiently?

As online marketing continues to sweep the social media world like wildfire, it is becoming increasingly difficult to ignore its importance in business. Large companies are starting to create entire departments dedicated to managing their online presence. It’s not hard to believe that small businesses and entrepreneurs can fall into the gaping time pit that…

Toronto Event Brings Together Clean Tech Innovators

Hosted in collaboration with Sustainable Development Technology Canada and Cleantech Group, the SDTC Cleantech Focus Canada event aims to emphasize the importance of clean technology development to Canada. As the second largest country in the world, Canada holds a large portion of the world’s natural resources. Innovative minds are actively developing new technologies to harness…

Ontario Food Producers Assisted By $12-million Ontario Market Investment Fund

Local food producers in Ontario are receiving backup by the Ontario Government. A funding initiative called The Ontario Market Investment Fund (OMIF) seeks to promote consumer awareness of local food, encouraging consumers to buy locally. Who is eligible? The funding initiative covers companies along the Ontario food supply chain, as well as organizations that focus…

7 Funding Mechanisms to Assist Energy Projects

Please Note: Many of the programs listed in this article have closed since the blog’s original posting. To explore Canadian government funding programs currently available, please browse our small business funding directory. Operations managers of energy companies are constantly looking for ways to reduce costs and maximize operational efficiencies within their companies. The following seven…

Regional Funding Resources – Top 5 Smart Development Programs

Are you looking for help financing your business, but having difficulty covering the expenses through conventional financing channels? There are several regional funding resources at your disposal to aid your business. These development programs aim to help businesses and create jobs to help the local economy. We, here at Mentor Works, have outlined a few…