Search Results for: clean energy

Will CME Green Grants Fund Your Next Emissions Reduction Project?

Will CME Green Grants Fund Your Next Emissions Reduction Project?

Please Note: The CME SMART Green program is now closed. Please explore active government funding programs. In recent years, Canadian manufacturing businesses have received increased pressures from society, customers, and government regulations to reduce their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and become more sustainable. Doing so can have drastic and immediate benefits on each business’ operational…

$12M in Government Funding Invested in Canada’s Bioindustrial Industry

$12M in Government Funding Invested in Canada’s Bioindustrial Industry

Bio-industry companies are at the leading edge of sustainable science and innovation. These businesses develop agricultural or forestry by-products/waste and transform them into valuable chemical additives that can be used for a range of products such as bio-fuels, plastic packaging, or even automotive parts. Bioindustrial Innovation Canada (BIC) is an organization who focuses on helping…

SD Tech Fund Research and Development Funding

SD Tech Fund Research and Development Funding

The Sustainable Development Technology Canada (SDTC) is known for supporting sustainable initiatives across the country through resources and small business funding grants, such as a program called the SD Tech Fund. This Canadian government funding for research and development program opened earlier this month and helps fill the apparent gap between applied research and product…

What is the Ontario Cap and Trade Program?

What is the Ontario Cap and Trade Program?

With cap and trade programs making an increasing appearance in news headlines, Ontario businesses should be aware of the carbon tax regulations that are coming into effect. Ontario’s Cap and Trade regulation went into force on July 1, 2016 and will officially launch on January 1, 2017, which businesses should look at closely, as energy-based…

Ontario and Alberta Commit to New Greentech R&D Partnership

Ontario and Alberta Commit to New Greentech R&D Partnership

Reducing carbon emissions and creating a sustainable low-carbon economy are top priorities for provincial governments across Canada. While some provinces have taken more ambitious steps than others, all provinces and territories are beginning to shape the future of climate change legislation, and with it, a series of new incentives for businesses ‘going green’. Ontario and…

What Canadian Businesses Need to Know About Carbon Taxes & Cap and Trade Policies

What Canadian Businesses Need to Know About Carbon Taxes & Cap and Trade Policies

Provinces and territories are working with the Canadian government to develop a low-carbon economy. The federal government’s current strategy is to let provinces develop a plan for how they will achieve individualized carbon-reduction goals. This regional approach, as opposed to a ‘one size fits all’ model helps provinces develop a tailored plan that respects industries…

Budget 2016 and its Impact on the Future of Government Funding

Budget 2016 and its Impact on the Future of Government Funding

Editor’s Note: Details of the Canada Summer Jobs program are subject to change at any time; details on this page were accurate as of the posting date. To learn about current program details, please contact Mentor Works or visit The first budget tabled by a new Canadian federal government always presents a lot of interest;…

How to Qualify for the Automotive Supplier Innovation Program (ASIP)

How to Qualify for the Automotive Supplier Innovation Program (ASIP)

As part of the Government of Canada’s 2015 Economic Action Plan, the Automotive Supplier Innovation Program (ASIP) provides Canadian government funding to businesses demonstrating and prototyping innovative automotive products or processes. Through this business funding opportunity, more Canadian businesses will be able to contribute clean, sustainable, and energy efficient technologies to a market that is…

Automotive Innovation Fund (AIF) Canadian Government Funding FAQs

Automotive Innovation Fund (AIF) Canadian Government Funding FAQs

A transitioning Canadian economy has provided new opportunities for automotive manufacturers across the country. Declining oil and energy market prices have increased the importance of automotive success, and all levels of government within Canada are searching for ways to strengthen the automotive sector. Canadian government funding for innovative research and development projects is now more…

2016 Outlook for the Canadian Manufacturing Industry

2016 Outlook for the Canadian Manufacturing Industry

Following a profitable year in 2015, can Canada’s manufacturing industry continue to exceed expectations and repair economic damage caused by diminishing oil values? 2016 is shaping up to be a cautiously optimistic year for Canadian manufacturing. Led by a surging automotive industry, Canada has reasons for being hopeful that the manufacturing sector will help our…