[Webinar Aug 15] Career-Ready with CTMA: Prepare for Fall 2019 Hires

[Webinar Aug 15] Career-Ready with CTMA: Prepare for Fall 2019 Hires

On July 15, 2019, the Canadian Tooling & Machining Association (CTMA) and the Ontario Provincial Government announced the launch of the Career-Ready with CTMA program ā€“ a new hiring program in partnership with Mentor Works Ltd. This program is helping close the skilled trades gap in the Machine, Tool, Die & Mould (MTDM) sector in…

Government Funding for Hiring Manufacturing Apprentices and Interns

Government Funding for Hiring Manufacturing Apprentices and Interns

Hiring youth workers for manufacturing positions can be costly. With significant training and onboarding expenses that exceed the investment required with experienced labourers, the costs of recruiting youth workers can often outweigh its benefits. Still, employing apprentices and interns is an excellent strategy to overcome talent gaps. Manufacturers need to know how to incorporate a…

Budget 2018 Streamlines Funding Programs for Business Innovation

Budget 2018 Streamlines Funding Programs for Business Innovation

The Canadian Federal Budget 2018 was released last week to much interest from business leaders and industry analysts. This year, innovation was again a top priority of the federal government, highlighted by the increase in funding support for several research and development funds. Unlike the previous two Liberal budgets, however, there will be considerable changes…

Canadian Government Funding: Federal Apprenticeship Job Creation Tax Credit (AJCTC)

Canadian Government Funding: Federal Apprenticeship Job Creation Tax Credit (AJCTC)

Hiring and training apprentices is a fundamental strategy for employers of skilled tradespeople. Yet for many employers, time and cash become obstacles to expand their team. Fortunately, the Government of Canada offers employers funding to offset the early-stage hiring and training costs of new apprentices. The Apprenticeship Job Creation Tax Credit (AJCTC) is one of…

Graduated Apprenticeship Grant for Employers (GAGE) Funding Ontario

Graduated Apprenticeship Grant for Employers (GAGE) Funding Ontario

Hiring and training apprentices is a great way to build your team of qualified tradespeople. In Ontario, employers have numerous supports to help recruit and train apprentices. These incentives should be used whenever possible to offset labour costs and grow your team of high-quality employees. One of the best incentives for employers is the Graduated…

Canadian Business Funding for Apprenticeships

Canadian Business Funding for Apprenticeships

As Canadian businesses become more innovative and technology-driven, employers are finding it increasingly difficult to find the skilled workers they require. Most industries are feeling the effects of this widening skills gap, perhaps few more than the manufacturing sector where upwards of 35% believe they do not have sufficient talent. These gaps will continue to…

Overview of Apprenticeship Programs and Tax Credits

Overview of Apprenticeship Programs and Tax Credits

Mentor Works connects with many businesses that have questions about hiring an apprentice. We appreciate that the process of hiring an apprentice can appear to be complicated. For this reason we have endeavoured to provide you with the information you need to know and a clear process to follow. Ontario Apprenticeship Programs Overview The Province…

Ontario Apprenticeship Training Tax Credit for IT Roles

The Apprenticeship Training Tax Credit (ATTC) is a refundable tax credit for Canadian businesses employing apprentices in certain skilled trades. Many businesses are surprised to hear the potential applications of these tax credits for Information Technology (IT) positions within their organizations. This article looks to provide some additional information on the IT related positions which…