Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters (CME) Information Sessions in November 2014

Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters (CME) Information Sessions in November 2014

Well known for supporting manufacturers and exporters across Canada through various events and resources, including the popular capital equipment funding program, ā€œCME SMART Prosperity Now,ā€ Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters (CME) is Canadaā€™s largest trade and industry association. In addition to sponsoring generous funding programs for manufacturers, CME has provided a voice for manufacturing and global…

CME SMART Prosperity Now Small Business Grants Deadline Extension

CME SMART Prosperity Now Small Business Grants Deadline Extension

The Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters (CME) have announced that theCME SMART Prosperity Now Program will continue to accept applicants as the program still has capacity to fund a limited number of additional projects. The Ontario government funding program is expected to remain open until May 31, 2013; this date is dependent on the number of…

CME SMART Prosperity Now: Small Business Funding Grants for Capital Equipment

CME (Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters) SMART Prosperity Now is funded by Federal Economic Development Agency of Southern Ontario (FedDev Ontario) and is built around assessment and project funding components. CME SMART Prosperity Now is beneficial for small and medium size businesses who are looking for business funding grants that will improve productivity and integrate innovative…

Business Funding Grants to Support Operational Efficiency Initiatives

Business Funding Grants to Support Operational Efficiency Initiatives

Process and operational improvements can take form in a wide range of applications, from lean manufacturing, system or software upgrades, implementation of new or improved ERP systems, advanced capital equipment, to employee training initiatives.Ā  Oftentimes, the transition towards reducing waste, increasing runtime, reducing equipment changeover time and improving throughputā€”amongst other efficiency metricsā€”can pose a significant…

CME SMART Prosperity Now Program Still Accepting Applications

As previously mentioned, the CME SMART Prosperity Now Program had recently launched another round of informational workshops throughout May and June. This Canadian government funding for businessĀ is for manufacturers with an export focus on commercializing new technologies, investing in sustainable and green technology, entering new domestic and foreign markets, and purchasing new or upgraded equipment…

CME SMART Prosperity Now Launches New Round of Workshops

CME SMART Properity Now Program is launching another round of informational workshops from May 8th to June 22nd, 2012 throughout southern Ontario. The CME SMART Properity Now program provides funding for manufacturers with an export focus on commercializing new technologies, investing in sustainable and green technology, entering new domestic and foreign markets, and purchasing new…

CME SMART Prosperity Now – Open for Global Expansion Projects

As mentioned in our previous articles on the CME SMART Prosperity Now Program; businesses are able to receive Ontario business Grants for Capital Equipment and other activities related to their expansion into new markets. This program has been extremely popular since its original funding release; however, they are still accepting applications for new expansion projects….

Ontario Business Grants for Capital Equipment and Outside Consulting

Canadian business grants for productivity enhancements and outside consulting are becoming increasingly popular with Ontario SMEs. These types of small business funding grants are especially useful for those in need of capital equipment or market expansion funding. There are several opportunities to receive Grant Funding for Small Business Expansion; however, these Canadian business grants are…

CME SMART Prosperity Now Ontario Business Grant: Now Open

The CME SMART Prosperity Now program is now accepting applications for small business funding grants through the CME SMART Prosperity Now Online Application. This recent Ontario business grant has replaced the previous funding mechanism, CME SMART, and now has new requirements for funding eligibility as mentioned in our previous blog CME SMART Prosperity Now. In…

CME SMART Prosperity Now: New Technology Expansion Funds for Export

Those of you familiar with the CME Smart grant for capital expenditures have probably noticed a note on their online application login page. This note refers to the impending change to CME Smart, which will now be called CME SMART Prosperity Now. The Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters (CME) have recently received a new round of…