Grow Factor Workshop: Grant Writing for Business

Grow Factor Workshop: Grant Writing for Business

For many small and medium-sized businesses finding and selecting among Canadian government funding opportunities and navigating the application process is a daunting task.  This is where Mentor Works Ltd. comes in.  If you are a financially stable company that is beyond the start-up phase, have been incorporated in Canada for at least 2 years, and partaking…

The Grant Application Mystery:  How to Find & Get Grants for Small Business

The Grant Application Mystery: How to Find & Get Grants for Small Business

We chose to shed some light on two of the most common inquiries related to how to find grants and the grant application process. How to Find Grants: Are government grants for small business difficult to access? A common misconception is that it is next to impossible to find and access government grants for small…

AgriInnovation Program: Commercialization & Adoption Stream

AgriInnovation Program: Commercialization & Adoption Stream

The AgriInnovation Program (AIP)  is a five-year initiative beginning April 1, 2013 through March 31, 2018, with a project completion date of January 31, 2018 to allow for a program evaluation to occur. The Canadian government funding for  via AgriInnovation’s Commercialization and Adoption Stream is focused on helping companies with innovative agri-products, technologies, or services…

Agri-Processing Initiative FAQs

Agri-Processing Initiative FAQs

What is the objective of Government Funding for Business through the AgriProcessing Initiative (API)?   Through Canadian government funding API will help businesses from the AgriProcessing sector adopt innovative technology and processes so they will be better positioned to compete in the global economy, and thus the Canadian Agri-Processing sector on a whole will become more…

Canadian Government Funding:  The AgriInnovation Program

Canadian Government Funding: The AgriInnovation Program

The AgriInnovation Program (AIP) is a five-year initiative as a part of Growing Forward 2 beginning April 1, 2013 through March 31, 2018, with a project completion date of January 31, 2018 to allow for a program evaluation to occur.   The AIP Enabling Commercialization and Adoption Stream is focused on helping companies with commercializing or…

Free Canadian Government Funding & Tax Workshop:  April 17th & 30th

Free Canadian Government Funding & Tax Workshop: April 17th & 30th

Small and medium-sized businesses in Burlington, Ontario and the surrounding area are invited to visit a Free Canadian Government Funding & Tax Minimization Strategy Workshop co-hosted by Mentor Works Ltd; the Canadian government funding experts, and Richter LLP, professional tax, audit, and risk management consultants. Canadian Government Funding Workshop for Small and Medium-sized Businesses Funding…

Top Manufacturing Canadian Small Business Grants for ERP Implementation/Customization

Cambridge, Ontario (February 28, 2013) Canadian manufacturing organizations have embraced workflow and resource management software to eliminate bottlenecks and maximize productivity across their company structure. However, implementing, customizing, and upgrading Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems can be very resource intensive, both in terms of human and financial resources. SME’s across Canada can attest to the necessity…

Scotia Bank Presents a Free Canadian Government Funding Seminar

Free Canadian Government Funding Seminar: “Millions of Dollars in Government Funding Exist; Find Out How to Get Your Share!”  Join us for a free informative seminar designed to show business owners how to access government funding for business as well as the application process. Attendees will take away immediate strategies to improve business performance. Speaker: Canadian Government Funding…

FedDev Prosperity Initiative: $20M Canadian Government Funding for Business Expansion

FedDev Prosperity Initiative: $20M Canadian Government Funding for Business Expansion

FedDev Government Funding for Small Business Much like many of the small business grants offered by FedDev, this initiative is aimed at developing a more diversified and competitive economy in Southern Ontario.   FedDev has pledged $210 million to this program which will give businesses the tools they need to expand geographically as well as generate…

Canadian Government Funding Workshop in Markham on Jan. 30

Canadian small businesses are eligible for several types of Canadian government funding such as grants, loans, and tax credits offered by the Canadian and provincial governments to assist with a number of different strategic initiatives, including hiring, training, capital equipment, research & development, business expansion, and innovation. Bernadeen McLeod, Canadian Government Funding Expert Bernadeen McLeod,…