CTMAā€™s Apprentice Bursary Awards Reduce Manufacturing Labour Gap

CTMAā€™s Apprentice Bursary Awards Reduce Manufacturing Labour Gap

The Canadian economyā€™s success is heavily dependent on the contributions made from the manufacturing industry. Creating high-value, high-paying jobs in manufacturing (especially advanced manufacturing jobs) will ensure that Canada is able to remain competitive with other nations in coming years. However, before Canada reaches this vision, it must ensure that there is enough skilled labour…

GO Talent Supports Immigration and Orientation of Skilled ICT Workers

GO Talent Supports Immigration and Orientation of Skilled ICT Workers

According to the Information and Communications Technology Council (ICTC)ā€™s recent publication, Labour Market Outlook, over 182,000 information and communications technology (ICT) positions will need to be filled across all Canadian industries by 2019. Filling these positions will enable Canadian businesses to become more competitive and secure the countryā€™s digital advantage in an increasingly connected world….

Ontario Centre for Workforce Innovation (OCWI) Helps Narrow Labour Gap

Ontario Centre for Workforce Innovation (OCWI) Helps Narrow Labour Gap

One of the most formidable hurdles encountered by jobseekers, myself included before I found Mentor Works, is the seemingly vast disconnect between the skills we possess and the skills that prospective employers are expecting from their recruit. Reading job descriptions that require specialized skills or the dreaded ā€œX years of experienceā€ can be discouraging for…

10 Ways to Maximize Employee Retention

10 Ways to Maximize Employee Retention

You may have heard that it costs 6 months of an employeeā€™s salary every time you have to replace them. While this financial metric is sure to make financial executives sweat, itā€™s important to consider the impact of employee turnover on all facets of the business. For example, the average recruitment period is 68 days….

Funding for Hiring Grads Leads to Tourism Boost in Northern Ontario

Funding for Hiring Grads Leads to Tourism Boost in Northern Ontario

Northern Ontario organization, Friends of Algonquin, have successfully leveraged wage subsidies for hiring a recent post-secondary graduate throughout 2015. The association, who provides advocacy and educational services, hired a youth intern for a one-year period to develop outreach programs that encourage tourism, as well as build a database encompassing photographs and artifacts from the park….

Scope Creep: The Unplanned Cost of Complex Projects

Scope Creep: The Unplanned Cost of Complex Projects

Project Management Professionals (PMPs) were once commonly sought out for niche fields such as ICT and construction, but many businesses are beginning to utilize project management and product management standards to help run their business more efficiently. The benefits of utilizing standardized and centralized processes for managing projects goes beyond efficiency gains. Some small businesses,…

Will 2016 be the Year of Big Data Analytics?

Will 2016 be the Year of Big Data Analytics?

Massive amounts of high-quality data enables businesses to make calculated decisions that fuel competitiveness, profitability, and success. In a landscape where owners and executives need to be agile and definitive with their decision making, being able to gather and process big data provides a critical advantage over competitors. Big data analytics, the ability to process…

R&D Project Hiring Grants: Funding to Hire a PhD Researcher

R&D Project Hiring Grants: Funding to Hire a PhD Researcher

eAs part of Ontario’s R&D Project Hiring Grants program, the Fellowship Component offers based PhD graduates and Postdoctoral Fellows (PDFs) the opportunity to contribute to industry-driven research and development projects. These 12-month fellowships supported by Ontario Centres of Excellence (OCE) are valued at $85,000 and are open to all fields of study including non-STEM disciplines…