Qualify for Non-Profit Funding Grants: Canadian Agricultural Adaptation Program (CAAP)

Canadian Government Grants

In its launch last year, the Canadian Agricultural Adaptation Program (CAAP) committed $50.3 million in government grant funding over 5 years (2014-2019). Funding will be determined on a case-by-case basis to provide up to 50% of project costs to $1 million per project, or $4 million in total funding over the 5-year program. It is worth noting that the new CAAP program (2014-2019) is a separate funding program than the agri-funding CAAP program for for-profits that ended in 2013; this Canadian government funding program is specific to agricultural non-profits. CAAP will aim to fund industry-led projects which address three main objectives:

1. Seize opportunities

Agri-businesses are constantly changing and must be agile to take advantage of new opportunities which present themselves over time. New ideas, products, niches, and market opportunities will be highly valued in this program.

2. Respond to new issues

The ability to forecast and predict future trends will allow businesses to avoid problems before they start. Being able to address issues that are currently unknown or were not a concern before will benefit the entire industry.

3. Find or drive solutions to industry issues

The program is seeking applicants to path find and/or pilot solutions to issues. Pathfinding involves identifying new or different approaches to solving ongoing industry issues. Alternately, piloting would be the testing of these new ideas and approaches within the sector.

Eligibility for CAAP Canadian Government Grants

Eligible applicants will be classified as the following:

  • Not-for-profit organizations and associations, including cooperatives;
  • Marketing boards; and
  • Aboriginal Groups.

Ineligible applicants will be designated from the following groups:

  • For-profit groups*;
  • Federal, provincial, territorial and municipal governments and/or agencies;
  • Academic institutions; colleges and/or universities; and
  • Individuals

* Denotes a group who was previously eligible in the 2009-2014 CAAP funding program.

What Project Costs and Types are Eligible for Grant Funding?

Eligible costs include:

  • Administration;
  • Salaries/Benefits;
  • Contracted Services;
  • Travel;
  • Capital/Assets; and
  • Other Direct Project Costs.

Eligible activities include:

  • Capturing value-added opportunities;
  • Adapting to changing consumer demands within the mandate ofĀ AAFC;
  • Implementing and/or developing strategies and processes to address urgent or critical issues (such as outbreaks, other threats, and so on);
  • Exploiting emerging opportunities, such as optimizing processes, developing technology and conducting feasibility studies for products, processes, and technologies;
  • Capacity building and tool development to anticipate and prepare for the future. This includes developing innovative approaches to take advantage of new opportunities and address issues of broad public benefit; and
  • Trying, assessing, and modifying new ideas and processes for sector-wide application.

For a complete list of ineligible project costs and types, please visit Agriculture and Agri-Food Canadaā€™s website.

How to Apply for Funding

Potential applicants are asked to contact Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada to receive a Canadian government funding application. This can be done through one of the following options:

Contact for Application Information
Ā 1-877-246-4682
Fax:Ā 613 773 1922
TDD/TTY:Ā 613-773-2600
Email:Ā caap-pcaa@agr.gc.ca.

Mentor Works can also start a discussion with you about your organization and proposed project in order to ensure your eligibility. We would be happy to provide insight on the program, application process, and provide support along the way, so feel free to send us a message if you have any questions.

How will Applications be Assessed?

Applications and supporting documentation will be assessed based on the following criteria:

  • Objective: How well the applicant fits theĀ three CAAPĀ objectives identified above;
  • Priority: Wow much of a priority the project is for the industry and/or government;
  • Benefits to Canada: Wow much the project is likely to benefit agricultural producers, processors, other stakeholders and Canada;
  • Quality of the work plan: Clarity and completeness of the work plan and proposed activities in relation to previous or current work;
  • Feasibility: How likely it is that planned results will be achieved within the timeline, how appropriate the budget is; consideration of project risks; and
  • Capacity: The Applicant’s proven technical, financial and managerial capacity/capability

Learn More About the Canadian Agricultural Adaptation Program (CAAP)

Get StartedĀ  Ā  Ā Program Overview


  1. I would love this appertunity to get a goverment loan to help me with my farm in strikand ontario , please contact me

    1. Hi Zolton,

      If you’re looking for funding to support your farming operations in Ontario, you may want to consider the Greenbelt Fund: Local Food Investment Fund. The program supports projects that increase the consumption of locally-grown or processed foods in Ontario and provides up to 50% in grants to cover eligible project expenses.

      Here are some examples of projects that were recently awarded funding through the GBF: Local Food Investment Fund.

      Feel free to contact our Government Funding Planners to discuss the various options that may be available to help you with your business.

  2. I am looking for funding to start up an indoor riding arena. My business name is The Devoe Ranch we offer tours of the farm, riding lessons, pony rides and trail rides, we are a seasonal business wanting to become an all year business. I have reached out for funding but horses don’t seem to be a farm animal anymore. Not sure where to go from here or if even you can help. The funding agencies don’t actually consider me a tourism operation, you can have all the places to stay but if there is nothing to do they won’t come anyway especially families.

    1. Hi Sandra – Congratulations on your new business! Mentor Works focuses solely on government funding for Canadian businesses who have been incorporated for 3+ years and have 15+ payroll employees, however we would recommend referring to the Startup Resources available to you as a startup.

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