Environmental Projects Eligible for $12,000 in Funding to Hire a Post-Secondary Grad

science horizons funding programThis Canadian government grant for hiring offers a maximum of $12,000 in funding to support the hiring of a recent graduate to an environmental science position for at least 6 months. While the program will fund multiple candidates, there is a maximum of one candidate per project. Internships funded through this program must be completed by March 31, 2016.

Deadline Approaching: Funding to Hire a Recent Environmental Science Grad Deadline Dec. 12th, 2014

Applications for this Canadian government grants funding program are accepted until December 12, 2014. In order to qualify, applicants and companies must meet established criteria. 75% of the funding will be paid at signing of contribution agreement, the remaining 25% will be paid one month after internship completion.

Environmental Science Interns must meet the following criteria:

Eligible Interns must:

  • Be aged 30 years or under at the commencement of the internship;
  • Have graduated from a university, college, post-secondary school of technology, post-secondary institution or CEGEP (collĆØge dā€™enseignement gĆ©nĆ©ral et professionnel, Quebec);
  • Be legally entitled to work in Canada (includes individuals who are Canadian citizens, those with permanent Canadian residency status, those with a valid Canadian work permit to work on a full time basis, or persons who have been granted refugee status in Canada);
  • Not be in receipt of Employment Insurance during their internship; and
  • Not be in school during their internship.

Organizations eligible for government grants Canada will meet the following criteria:

Organizations eligible for funding through this Canada business grant program must be one of either:

  • A Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) including not-for-profit organization such as charitable and volunteer organization or professional association;
  • An Aboriginal organization or association;
  • A municipal or local government;
  • A provincial and territorial government, institution, agency or Crown Corporation;
  • A for-profit organization such as a small business, corporation, or industry association;
  • A local organization such as a community association or group, a seniorā€™s, youth group, or service club.

Please Note: If work involves hazards / dangerous job sites, proper insurance is required

Government Grants Canada for Environmental Science: Eligible Projects

In order to qualify for this government grants Canada funding program for environmental science your project must meet one of the following goals:

  • Understand and track the origin, fate and impact of critical contaminants in the environment (air, water, wildlife) and on Canadians to support policy,
  • Understand and track the cumulative effects of environmental stressors, including climate change, on wildlife and ecosystems of national interest,
  • Inform and advance the integrated management of Canada’s aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems
  • Provide the science understanding necessary to conserve Canadaā€™s habitat, biodiversity and ecosystem functions,
  • Apply a systems approach to avoid transferring problems from one medium to another
  • Develop and use models for predictive capacity,
  • Support the development and operation of monitoring and modelling systems and tools in order to improve prediction and forecasting of weather, climate and other environmental systems, and to provide high quality, science-based tools and services to Canadians, policy-makers and targeted economic sectors,
  • Provide the foundational science to understand anticipated climate change to help Canadians plan and adapt to future change,
  • Understand and track and predict the emissions and atmospheric processes that affect climate change to support the development and implementation of regulations, policies and enforcement,
  • Understand and track and predict impacts of climate change on species and ecosystems to support adaptation and management,
  • Proactively understand, track and provide information on the environmental impacts (primary and cumulative) of selected resource development in order to minimize disturbance of ecosystems and wildlife, inform landscape and habitat management, and support environmental restoration where needed,

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Hiring Grants for Business Canada

Learn about Funding to Support High-Skill Employee Training Programs

Mentor Works offers free informational sessions on the Canada Job Grant via webinar. Sign up for one of our Free Government Funding Workshops or Webinars today in order to learn more about additional hiring and training programs including $10,000 per employee (66%) in funding available through the Canada Job Grant training program.

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