Industry Partnership Proposal Program (IPPP) – Tourism Marketing Industry

With the Industry Partnership Proposal Program (IPPP), the Ontario Tourism Marketing Partnership Corporation (OTMP) works collaboratively with groups in the tourism industry to develop and implement innovative and co-operative marketing programs.

Ontario Government Funding Overall Objectives

  • Extend the OTMP marketing initiatives and Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sportā€™s provincial interests
  • Create innovating programs and marketing tactics that directly generate awareness, interests and measurable tourism revenues by increased consumer purchases of Ontario products
  • Increase market reach and improve the business volume in all four seasons through marketing tactics to the broad tourism industry in Ontario

Government Funding for Business Eligibility

To be eligible for these business funding grants, you need to be:

  • A group or consortium of tourism businesses, tourism marketing associations, Destination Marketing Organizations, Visitors and Convention Bureaus, municipal tourism organizations, Ministries and agencies of the Ontario Government, and alliances directly involved in the marketing of tourism
  • A individual or an individual business is not eligible
  • Programs must support and extend the marketing efforts of OTMPC in domestic and international markets
  • OTMPC will cost-share 40% of total eligible projects costs up to a maximum of $60,000

Industry proposals for the marketing projects must include a description of the following:

  • A detailed operational, advertising and media plan
  • Project budget
  • Explicit industry participation on a cooperative basis
  • Expected results

Projects should not be greater than 6 months in length. Eligible project costs for these business funding grants are placement of paid advertising, direct marketing, public relation activities, consumer and trade show attendance and direct mail distribution and fulfillment distribution.

Canadian Government Funding Support

Proposals are accepted year-round and must be submitted four months prior to the start of a campaign. If you would like additional Canadian government funding advice, be sure to contact one of our Canadian Government Funding Experts, or sign-up for a 60 Minute Workshop. Additionally, you can receive current updates on government funding mechanisms by following us on LinkedIn or Twitter.

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