Search Results for: Business Development Bank of Canada

Canadian Small Business Financing Act

The Canada Small Business Financing Program seeks to increase the availability of loans for establishing, expanding, modernizing and improving small businesses. Under the program, a small business must apply for a loan at a financial institution (bank or credit union) of its choice. If the loan is granted by the financial institution, the federal government…

Canadian Startup Funding Checklist

Canadian Startup Funding Checklist

Canadian Startup Funding Checklist Build the Foundation for Funding Your Canadian Startup. Although the federal and provincial government create most Canadian government funding programs for established businesses, it is critical for startups to set a solid foundation early on in order to become eligible for this funding in the future. This checklist will help guide…

Startup Resources

Startup Resources

Canadian Startup Resources Find Funding for Canadian Entrepreneurs. The Canadian government creates the majority of their funding programs for established businesses. To be eligible, companies should be incorporated for a minimum of two years and demonstrate net positive income. Mentor Works has put together a list of the top resources to help Canadian entrepreneurs get their…

BDC Capital and IAF Capital: Venture Capital for Technology Companies

BDC Capital and IAF Capital: Venture Capital for Technology Companies

Canada’s technology sector is a cornerstone of the booming knowledge economy. It’s supported by some of the world’s top post-secondary institutions and is also favourably impacted by immigration policies, which see some of the world’s top technology entrepreneurs come to Canada to launch new ideas. At a time where technology’s importance is surging globally, Canada…