Alberta Job Creation Incentive Program

Job Creation Incentive Program: 2016 Alberta Business Grants

Earlier this month, the Alberta provincial government unveiled a new 2-year, $178-million Alberta government grants program called the Job Creation Incentive Program. Alberta Premier Rachel Rotley’s government started off the press conference by expressing their hope for an economy less dependent on oil due to plummeting oil prices and shifting contracts. The Job Creation Incentive…

Research and development funding for small business

Alberta Tech Futures: Research and Development Funding for Business

Alberta Innovates Technology Futures offers Alberta SMEs support for research, development, and innovation. Their goal is to help build healthy, sustainable, and innovative businesses in the province. This post will focus primarily on the funding programs offered through Alberta Tech Futures, but they provide Alberta small businesses with a range of services including: Technical Services:…

Alberta Innovates Product Demonstration Fund: 2015 Deadlines

Alberta Innovates Product Demonstration Fund: 2015 Deadlines

Alberta Innovates Technology Futures (AITF) is an organization that leverages strong partnerships and support to help technical industries develop products and move them to market through the parent organization, Alberta Innovates. AITF is making progress to this end by building upon the province’s established advantage in industries like nanotechnology, information communication technologies, and genomics. The…

How to Leverage WINN Funding to Bring Innovative Products and Processes to Market

How to Leverage WINN Funding to Bring Innovative Products and Processes to Market

In autumn 2013, the Federal Government launched a five-year, $100 million western Canada funding program called the Western Innovative Initiative (WINN). This business funding initiative supports small and medium-sized businesses in western Canada who are dedicated to commercialize innovative, technology-based products, processes, and services while enabling company growth. The WINN program intends to stimulate greater…

The Alberta-Ontario Innovation Program (AOP) Funds Cross-Province Collaboration

The Alberta-Ontario Innovation Program (AOP) Funds Cross-Province Collaboration

The Alberta-Ontario Innovation Program (AOP) is a unique cross-provincial collaboration between industry and academia that aims to solve key industry challenges in both Ontario and Alberta. AOP is managed by Alberta Innovates and Ontario Centres of Excellence (OCE). Industry-academic projects are also eligible for funding through Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) if they…

Canadian Business Grants: TECTERRA Industry Investment Program

Canadian Business Grants: TECTERRA Industry Investment Program

Editor’s Note: Since this article’s posting, TECTERRA funding programs have been re-launched to provide enhanced support. For details of these new funding streams, visit Mentor Works’ TECTERRA program page. TECTERRA is an organization located in Alberta that offers small business grants and investment funding programs as well as networking opportunities for Geomatics companies in Canada. Through…

Alberta Innovates – Product Demonstration Program Business Grants

Alberta Innovates – Product Demonstration Program Business Grants

Alberta Innovates Product Demonstration Program offers small business grants programs to help Alberta’s SMEs, including start-ups, and post-secondary research institutions, develop and commercialize innovative technology in a variety of industry sectors. Over the past year, Alberta Innovates Technology Futures Corporation (AITF) has worked with over 250 Alberta companies to provide support in the areas of…

Business Funding Grant for Industry Investment Projects

Editor’s Note: Since this article’s posting, TECTERRA funding programs have been re-launched to provide enhanced support. For details of these new funding streams, visit Mentor Works’ TECTERRA program page. TECTERRA is a Canadian government funding program that enables Canadian companies to build innovative geomatic solutions to market. Specifically, this grant funding for business supports the development…