Capture Receipts and Business Cards with Shoeboxed

This helpful tool was developed for entrepreneurs and small businesses to help organize your piles of business receipts and business cards. The tool is simple and easy-to-use. Just take a picture of your physical receipts and business cards and they will automatically be stored in your Shoeboxed account where you can export your new contacts…

Science Horizons Youth Internship Program: Hire an Environmental Science Graduate

Environment Canada is preparing for the 2012-2013 round of funding for their Science Horizons Youth Internship Program (SHYIP). Funding allocation will be announced in January, allowing more companies to partner with environmental science graduates in order to advance their research and development initiatives, while providing youth with a viable environment to develop their skills and… – Free Meeting Planning, Management, & Recording Software

One of the 5 Essential Skills for Business Success is “organization”. However, in today’s fast-paced workplace, it is getting more and more difficult to organize, plan and carry out an effective meeting. For example, when scheduling meetings, it is difficult to find a time for everyone to meet, especially in large groups. Tools like…

The Canadian Trade Commissioner Service – International Market Intelligence

Canadian companies interested in free information about a prospective international market should tap into their respective Canadian Trade Commissioner. These Commissioners are responsible for just about every country in the world, with individual representatives for the most popular industry sectors in a given region. Valuable Government Resources for International Markets India and China are two…

Outsource Free Business Research Opportunities Through CBaSE

Outsource Free Business Research Opportunities Through CBaSE

The Co-operators and the University of Guelph have formed a partnership to create the Centre for Business and Social Entrepreneurship (CBaSE). Through this Centre, the University aims to aid the collaboration of University of Guelph students and professors with local businesses. Typical Research Projects CBaSE supports a number of projects that can be outsourced to…

Global Leadership Summit – Today & Tomorrow in Cambridge

Don’t miss the Global Leadership Summit being held today and tomorrow. If you are near the region of Cambridge, Ontario, there is a simulcast of this event for visitors to attend. Notable speakers include Seth Godin, founder of Squidoo, Henry Cloud, bestselling author, and Len Schlesinger, President of Babson College and Harvard Professor. When: September…

Receive Compensation for International Science & Tech Partnerships

Announced by the Government of Canada, the International Science and Technology Partnership Program (ISTPP) is a five-year, $20-million program promoting and encouraging international collaborative research. By supporting research projects within the science and technology field, the ISTPP will build strong Canadian relationships with Israel, India, China and Brazil. Science and technology networking will foster new…

Obtain $1M Towards Chinese Business Partnership

The Ontario Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) have signed a very intriguing Memorandum of Understanding on Research and Innovation Cooperation (MOU) with the People’s Republic China. This Memorandum has many implications, one of them being very interesting to Ontario businesses looking to carry out business partnerships in China. The partnership program allows both countries…

Market Readiness Grant Commercializes Innovations

Ontario Centres of Excellence has designed a program called Market Readiness to support the development of commercial applications for technology manufactured within Ontario’s universities, colleges and research hospitals. The primary objects is to advance technology for the next stage of commercialization – the transfer to an existing company, or the creation of a new enterprise….

Mentor Works Opens Office in Hamilton, Ontario

In an ongoing effort to assist SME’s in Southern Ontario, Mentor Works has opened an office in downtown Hamilton, Ontario to better connect with the local community and foster growth and innovation. Mentor Works offers helpful business consulting and government funding resources and support to small businesses across Southern Ontario. We conduct research on the…