New Exporters to Border States: Ontario Manufacturing Workshops

New Exporters to Border States: Ontario Manufacturing Workshops

Ontario manufacturers have unparalleled access to business relationships in the United States. Close proximity to U.S. border crossings increases the speed of delivery times, reduces risk, and ensures a consistent and reliable export relationship. For decades, Ontario manufacturers have benefited from these relationships for decades, however early-stage manufacturers often face knowledge barriers that prevent their…

Export Manager Program: Hiring Grants for Business Development Hires

Export Manager Program: Hiring Grants for Business Development Hires

Please Note: The Export Manager Program is now closed and not accepting further applications. For trade show grants and other forms of export support, please visit our page on Business and Export Expansion Funding Programs. Trade barriers exist in nearly all industries, though with the advancement of e-commerce, free trade agreements, and government export support…

Qualify for Early Stage Exporters Ontario Small Business Grants

Qualify for Early Stage Exporters Ontario Small Business Grants

Please Note: The Early Stage Exporters program is no longer accepting applications. Please explore the Export Market Access (EMA) program for exporting grants. Administered by the Ontario Chamber of Commerce (OCC) and FedDev Ontario, the Early Stage Exporters program is a variant of the Export Market Access Ontario government funding initiative to help fund key international marketing…

Webinar on Selling in the Global Marketplace: Nov. 19

Webinar on Selling in the Global Marketplace: Nov. 19

CME will be hosting a 1-hour Export Success Webinar on Effectively Selling in the Global Marketplace on November 19 at 11:00am to help early stage exporters. If your organization employs sales and business development professionals which engage with international clients, this webinar may be a good opportunity to increase their sales effectiveness. Keep in mind…

Export Market Access Ontario Small Business Grants

Export Market Access Ontario Small Business Grants

Please Note: Export Market Access is now closed and not accepting further applications. For trade show grants and other forms of export support, learn more about the CanExport program. Export Market Access (EMA) Ontario government grants assist small businesses to gain access and expand their reach in international markets. Administered by the Ontario Chamber of Commerce (OCC)…

Register for CME Incoterms® 2010 Webinar

Register for CME Incoterms® 2010 Webinar

International Commercial Terms, often referred to in industry as incoterms, are internationally adopted rules and regulations used in trade documents. Incoterms are often presented in the form of acronyms, which can make it hard for new exporters to grasp the meaning behind these phrases. Learning and understanding these terms is key to being aware of…

Export Webinar: Avoid Common International Trade Mistakes

Export Webinar: Avoid Common International Trade Mistakes

When exporting, even small mistakes can end up costing your business significant time, financial resources, and opportunities abroad. Complying with all international standards for trade is essential to ensuring a sustainable export strategy, however many Canadian businesses are unaware of common mistakes which limit business growth in foreign countries. To ensure your business does not…

The Canadian Business Guide to Export Expansion: Grow your International Markets

The Canadian Business Guide to Export Expansion: Grow your International Markets

Whether your business currently exports or has identified that you would like to expand into foreign markets, you know that there is exceptional potential for Canadian businesses to grow all over the world. The Canadian economy is heavily affected by international trade – with 1 in 5 Canadian jobs directly tied to exporting, the ability…

Crofter’s Food Ltd. Canadian Government Funding Success

Crofter’s Food Ltd. Canadian Government Funding Success

Based in Seguin, Ontario, Crofter’s Food Ltd. is one of the most recent recipients of Canadian government funding through FedNor’s Targeted Manufacturing Initiative. Since 2006, more than $351 million has been invested into Northern Ontario businesses in support of nearly 1,700 projects. These investments have resulted in the support of more than 22,700 jobs. “Our…

Discover Canadian Government Grant Funding – Events in June 2015

Discover Canadian Government Grant Funding – Events in June 2015

Mentor Works has been hard at work over the last month to help connect small businesses with Canadian government grant funding opportunities. In an ongoing effort to be as accessible to you, we are pleased to offer a variety of small business funding workshops and webinars that provide specific details for Ontario small business grants…