New Horizons for MedTech (NHM) 2013 Information Sessions

New Horizons for MedTech (NHM) 2013 Information Sessions

NHM will provide Canadian Government funding to cover up to 50 percent of eligible supported costs to a maximum amount of $30,000 per recipient.Ā  The program will fund projects to help SMEs with at least one commercialized product in the medical or healthcare sector that: Have never exported, but are considering exporting; Are preparing to…

HTX Ontario Flagship Program: Healthcare/Medical Funding

HTX Ontario Flagship Program: Healthcare/Medical Funding

Health Technology Exchange (HTX) offers government funding for business to Ontario corporations that develop, produce and commercialize Medical and Assistive Technologies (MATs). HTX Canadian Government Funding Qualifications Ontario firms can qualify for government funding for small business under two different categories: Qualifying applicant: Ontario-based MNE or new created Ontario-based subsidiary of the MNE. Qualifying project…

Small Business Grants Ontario Event: HTX Open House

Small Business Grants Ontario Event: HTX Open House

The Health Technology Exchange (HTX) small business grants support emerging and established Ontario-based companies to develop, produce and commercialize innovative and marketing leading Medical and Assistive Technologies (MAT’s). Ā  Every year, HTX holds its annual “Open House;” Ontario’s premier event for showcasing and celebrating MedTech Innovation. Ā This year the event is being held on Wednesday,…

Small Business Grants in Ontario: HTX Ontario Flagship Program

Small Business Grants in Ontario: HTX Ontario Flagship Program

Health Technology Exchange (HTX) is a Canadian government fundingĀ program helps support emerging and established Ontario corporations to develop, produce and commercialize Medical and Assistive Technologies (MATs). Ā MATs include medical devices, diagnostic and medical imaging, healthcare IT and wireless health, and assistive devices and home healthcare. Who is eligible for these small business grants? Recipients of…

Health Technology Exchange (HTX) Funding Opportunities

Health Technology Exchange (HTX) Funding Opportunities

The Health Technology Exchange (HTX) supports both emerging and established Ontario-based companies to develop, produce, and commercialize innovative market-leading Medical and Assistive Technologies (MATs). They offer support services and government funding for small business, providing organizations with consulting personnel in areas related to regulatory affairs, clinical evaluations, marketing, marketing intelligence, and grant funding for business….

Ontario Flagship Program – Supporting Medical R&D in Ontario

More research is being conducted by Ontarioā€™s Medical Technology Sector through Canadaā€™s new business funding grants. The Health Technology Commercialization Program (HTCP) is a Canadian government funding program that is administered by The Health Technology Exchange (HTX) and the Ministry of Research and Innovation (MRI). The HTX received 14.2M in funds to distribute business funding…

Pre-commercialization Business Development Fund (PBDF)

Ontario Life Science Entrepreneurs & Researchers To transfer the speed of products from the lab to the market, Ontario Genomics Institute (OGI) management provides early-stage investment funds up to $100k per project as an investment fund. Ā The project must involve genomics, proteomics or associated technologies that are or have been key enabling components and be…

The Health Technology Exchange

HTX supports new and established Ontario-based companies so they can develop, produce and commercialize enhanced Medical and Assistive Technologies (MATs). Market area’s of particular interest include: medical devices, diagnostic & medical imaging, healthcare IT and wireless health (smart devices) and lastly, assistive devices & home healthcare. The Health Technology Exchange funds projects that promote partnerships…

Ontario Flagship Program – Anchoring Global Medical R&D to Ontario

The Health Technology Exchange is providing assistance to Ontario-based medical manufacturers looking to keep large-scale global R&D projects in Ontario. The Ontario Flagship Program aims to take advantage of Ontario’s high-skilled researchers and resources by providing financial aid to keep R&D activities from being outsourced internationally. Funding Amount & Eligibility The Ontario Flagship Program is…

Market Your Medical Products International – Ontario Sells Program

You’re an Ontario manufacturing company in the health sector. You have carried out an R&D project, completing pre-commercialization, commercialization, and clinical evaluation of your new innovation. In order to maximize your ROI, you want to maximize your market exposure, however the R&D process is never inexpensive. The Health Technology Exchange (HTX) is providing a solution…